How do the descriptions of the characters and the island create a

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How do the descriptions of the characters and the island create a

sense of foreboding in chapter one of Lord of the Flies?

Lord of the Flies, by William Golding, is a novel that begins with a large number of boys stranded on a desert island. They were being evacuated from Britain and their plane crashed.

The first two characters introduced are Ralph, an athletic boy, and "Piggy", a fat boy with glasses. The descriptions of these two characters suggest to us that Piggy might get left behind or he might not get enough food to stay alive as he would usually eat a lot more than he would in the jungle. Ralph, on the other hand, is described as athletic who will have a better chance of living in the jungle as he is fitter than Piggy. I think that somewhere in the book, Piggy might die because of the strain to stay alive.

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The two boys obtain a  and use it to call the other boys from across the island. The conch is a large shell that, when blown, makes a dark, low-pitched sound. It is described as pretty, interesting and a worthy plaything. When you read this, from the book, you think it is going to be something pretty and nice but when you read about the description of the noise, it makes you think otherwise. It makes a deafening, dark noise when you blow into it. This tells us that some things that might seem good could actually be bad, ...

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