How does mise-en-scene and cinematography construct meaning and involve the audience in the chosen sequence from Goodfellas?

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Alex Bowers

Goodfellas Coursework

How does mise-en-scene and cinematography construct meaning and involve the audience in the chosen sequence from Goodfellas?

The sequence that I am studying follows the daily tasks of Henry under the influence of drugs and paranoia. Throughout the scene, Martin Scorsese (Director) uses effective cinematography to portray the time period in which the events happen; from about 06:55am until about 22:00pm in a matter of minutes. Due to this, there are many close-ups with short durations to give a rushed/chaotic impression so that the audience has much to intake before moving on. This is also reinforced by the mise-en-scene which is jam packed full of eye-candy so that the audience can still follow the story outline, regardless of the confusion.

The opening shot is a close-up on Henry snorting a line of cocaine next to the barrel of a revolver. The two props chosen here represent the theme for the chosen sequence, Henry’s lifestyle. The fact that he is snorting cocaine so early in the morning could also metaphorically be showing the audience that he is not under full control of his actions, possibly needing some extra help to get him through the day ahead of him. The once snorted, the camera follows his hand as he takes the revolver from the table and places it in a brown paper bag containing other assorted pistols. The mise-en-scene here (combining the cocaine with the guns), helps to create a link with Henry’s audience iconography to the gangster image.

The shot then changes and the camera pans Henry as he walks from the house to his car. At this point Henry looks fresh and relatively smart in appearance as he opens the trunk of his car and puts the bag into it. The close-up that follows is of Henry looking up to the sky and then his POV of the helicopter emerging from the trees as the next shot. This is the first sense of threat that the audience is given and is portrayed by Henry’s following body language and quick use of camerawork. The camera shot hastily pans back in time to catch Henry slam the trunk closed, then zooms in as he opens the drivers door and throws his shoulder bag in before entering. This rhythmic montage effect shows that he is in a hurry.

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The following shots are of Henry driving whilst reflecting that he is going to be “busy all day” through narration. His behaviour becomes slightly agitated as he aversively glimpses at the helicopter during sweaty close-ups of how he is feeling at the time. The music becomes louder as the camera zooms in/out on the helicopter to create audience empathy for Henry and his high anxiety.

Upon the arrival at Jimmy’s, Henry is framed in the front doorway from an over-the-shoulder-2-shot greeted by Jimmy in a dressing gown. Firstly, this reminds the audience that it is still quite early in the ...

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