I wake up every morning with a shock, my mum knocking at the door and shouting,

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William Thomas

        I wake up every morning with a shock, my mum knocking at the door and shouting,

        “Time for a shower.”  I’m always tired in the mornings and find getting up for a shower really horrible, though it does a good job of waking me up and after it I’m ready for another day at school.  Well that is what I think but I usually end up in bed asleep right up until 7.45 am.  Luckily I have usually packed my school stuff the night before.

        My house is quite big and there is lots of room to get away from the rest of my family. I have a computer in my room and I spend quite a lot of time on it. My mum often complains that she never sees me.         


Me being late does not stop me shouting at the rest of the family for being just as late, as I am very against being late for school. They got their own back when one time they snuck off to school without me while I was upstairs.  Breakfast is usually a very mundane affair for me as I don’t really like cereals and Frosties are about the only thing I will eat in the mornings.  I usually read a book whilst eating as I really enjoy reading and it’s one of my favourite pastimes.

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        After breakfast there is usually a rush to the bathrooms, luckily there are three of them so there is never much of an argument.  I spend quite a long time in the bathroom, as my hair is a constant burden either sticking out in the wrong direction or simply not behaving in the way I would like.  Then there is cleaning my teeth, which is quite quick because my electric toothbrush whizzes around my mouth very quickly and the task is soon done. After I leave the house I get into my mum’s car a blue Polo, and then ...

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