Is Macbeth Evil?

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                                                                                                          Is Macbeth Evil? Act1 Sc2 L6Act1 Sc2 L17Act1 Sc2 L18Act1 Sc2 L19Act1 Sc 5 L15Act1 Sc5 L16Act1 Sc2 L24Act1 Sc2 L68Act1 Sc3 54Act1 Sc3 L145Act1 Sc3 L135Act1 Sc3 L136Act1 Sc4 L51Act1 Sc5 L70Act1 Sc7 L35Act2 Sc2 L35Act2 Sc2 L60Act2 Sc2 59Act5 Sc7 L35Act5 Sc5 L9Act1 Sc3 L82Act2 Sc2 L39Act2 Sc1 L39Act Sc1 L58Act2 Sc2 L32Act3 Sc4 L50Act2 Sc1 L39Act1 Sc1 L7Act1 Sc3 L38Act1 Sc1 L11Act1 Sc3 L50Act1 Sc3 L70Act1 Sc3 L123Act4 Sc1 L71Act4 Sc1 L147Act5 Sc7 L13Act4 Sc1 L80Act4 Sc1 L79Act1 Sc5 L41Act1 Sc5 L41Act1 Sc7 L58Act1 Sc5 L60Act1 Sc7 L32Act1 Sc7 L43Act1 Sc2 L13Act Sc2 L21Act1 Sc3 L138Act1 Sc5 L70Act1 Sc4 L51Act2 Sc L64Act2 Sc1 L41Act3 Sc4 L52Act3 Sc4 L40Act4 Sc3 L84Act2 Sc2 L21Act4 Sc3 L62Act4 Sc3 L16Act4 Sc3 L172The play ‘Macbeth’ was written by William Shakespeare in 1606. Although the play is fictional, it is loosely based on an actual Scottish king who ruled from 1040-1057. Macbeth did overthrow Duncan, but Duncan was a poor king to the point of being a tyrant and a military failure. After Duncan had died Macbeth did become king but he was seen as a tyrant because the Elizabethan English could not comprehend a king whose power had not come hereditarily. The major theme within the play is the fight against evil. This is shown not only on the battlefield but within Macbeths own head, struggling between his thoughts. Macbeth’s lust for power, encouraged by the witches and Lady Macbeth leads to murder and the destruction of Scotland. But in the end good prevails when Malcolm takes over as king and Macbeth’s evil causes his own undoing and downfall. The question is, however, is Macbeth inherently evil, mad or simply easily persuaded by the influences in his life.         The first time that we are properly introduced to Macbeth he is portrayed as a good, brave soldier. This is clearly shown when the sergeant talks about him, calling him “brave Macbeth”. This gives an immediately positive impression to the audience about Macbeth. This is then amplified with comments about his “brandish’d steel” showing that he is passionate, “which smoked with bloody execution” proving how much of a skilled swordsman he is, and “like valour’s minion carv’d out his passage” which shows how determined he is to be loyal to his country.                Because Lady Macbeth is Macbeth’s wife, it is expected that she will know Macbeth and the type of person he is. She shows her feelings about Macbeth’s character very well in her speech after she has read his letter to her. She is worried that Macbeth will not step up to the challenge of becoming king “yet I do fear thy nature” showing that Lady Macbeth doubts Macbeth has the evil within him to make him do the tasks which would make him king. She then comments on how she believes him to be “too full o’ the milk of human kindness”. This truly gives a vivid picture of goodness and innocence by the person who should know him best.
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Just by using the word ‘milk’ she portrays him as pure because of the whiteness of the milk; also milk is used to feed babies, therefore associating him with something small and innocent. It is not only Lady Macbeth who praises him, the King also shows that he thinks well of Macbeth. He calls him “Worthy Gentleman” and he also makes him Thane of Cawdor “with his former title greet Macbeth”. This shows that Duncan has a lot of faith In Macbeth and thinks him worthy of becoming thane of a second area. He also has a loyal friend in ...

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