Jane Eyre Coursework

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Jane Eyre Coursework

Charlotte Bronte was born in 1816 in Yorkshire. At that time England was fast becoming Europe’s most stable and prosperous country. The Industrial Revolution was initialising.

The Industrial Revolution was a time of dramatic change, from hand tools and handmade items, to products which were mass produced by machines. Workers became more productive, and since more items were manufactured, prices dropped, making exclusive and hard to make items available to the poor and not only the rich and elite. The industrial revolution was a time for change. More opportunities appeared to be offered with the introduction of more factories and ships, railways and steam engines; and all this was taking place under a government and legislature, which were still narrowly restricted to the privileged few that were wealthy by birth or becoming wealthy in commerce. Despite the Industrial Revolution, England remained mostly countryside housing the rich in elaborate homes, the middle class in comfortable homes and even the poor lived in pleasant cottages. By the time Charlotte Bronte was writing ‘Jane Eyre’ it was becoming more evident that a price was being paid for this prosperity. The Industrial Revolution introduced dirt and squalor, ugliness and crime into the lives of the poor whose circumstances forced them to live and work in the mills and factories of the new towns. Pollution increased, working conditions were harmful, and capitalists employed women and young children, making them work long and hard hours. In Jane’s society a small agricultural community would still be more or less governed by a lord of the manor. The social structure was largely well - ordered and accepted. On the whole it was reasonably fair and humane. Such was the society in which Charlotte Bronte grew up and such is the setting she provides for her heroine.

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In Charlotte Bronte’s time women would use marriage to gain money and social status. In marriage women had stability and would rely on their husbands for security a clear example of this in Jane Eyre is the character of Miss Blanche Ingram. She pretends to be in love with Mr Rochester. At the fortune-teller incident she is told that Mr Rochester does not have as much money as she had thought. This immediately dismissed him as a good husband in Blanches eyes.

At that time women were seen as very inequal to men. They were physically inferior meaning they ...

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