Lord of the Flies.

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Tuesday 9th March 2004

Lord of the Flies

Lord of the flies is a story about a group of boys stranded on a remote desert island and how they cope and survive. The story starts off with Ralph and Piggy coming across a conch and deciding to blow it, in hope those survivors will come to the calling.

Thankfully no one is lost in the crash and they all eventually join up and decide to elect a chief to command the group. After a quick discussion Ralph is chosen to be chief and his first act as of being in charge he allows Jack to be leader of the choir and appoints them to be the groups hunters.

Throughout the story you recognise Jack change from being a typical happy boy to a quite a vindictive cruel child.

Jack is not just a plain evil boy; it is due to the fact of him being alone on a desert island, which has a bad effect on his way of thinking. First sign of Jack’s aggressiveness is when he kills the wild boar and finds it fulfilling and thrilling. “ Jack stood up, holding out his hands. He giggled and flinked them” Pg.149.

Jack’s evil side comes about through the whole story, he feels that he should be listened to and obeyed by all the boys. This is expressed fully of Jack telling the ‘littleluns’ that the ‘beast’ exists and even if they give the boar’s head he wont be happy. Jack does to build on the children’s fear, so they only feel safe with him. Another example of this is of him torturing one of the ‘biguns’ to show power and dominance.

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I think that Jack is the boy who is truly scared out of the group because he thinks there is no hope off the island and they need to just think about surviving. Ralph in comparison is much different and has the idea of being rescued with also inflicting pressure on the group to be civilized. He also listens to all of the boys and knows what to do if they are going to survive and be saved.

You can see throughout the adventure that Ralph is always trying to raise order and reason on the group. “ ...

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