Macbeth was first performed for King James (of England and Scotland) in 1605.

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Macbeth was first performed for King James (of England and Scotland) in 1605. Shakespeare wrote the play in the knowledge that it was likely to appeal to the king, who was interested in witchcraft. In the Jacobean period, most of Britain believed that witches existed and there were laws in place that forbade anyone from practicing witchcraft. The king had written an academic work on the topic, and by including the witches and supernatural events in the play Shakespeare raised some popular contemporary issues. He also created more interest for King James by having the character Banquo in the play. Banquo was a Scottish ancestor of King James, and as predicted by the weird sisters, Banquo's sons become kings.

In act 1, scene 1, a scene of three witches confronts us. This alone would have created mystery and fright to the audience, setting the scene of the play to come. 'Macbeth´ was written in a period when there was a high interest in witchcraft and the supernatural. People were confused and scared by the supernatural, so the sight of three witches would have told the audience that the play would be full of evil and lies. This scene is a short opening to the play. It is long enough to awaken curiosity, but not to satisfy it. The mood of the play is set, although the action and the introduction of the leading characters do not start until the next scene.

Act 1, scene 5, introduces us to Lady Macbeth, Macbeth’s faithful wife. We gather from the letter that Macbeth sends Lady Macbeth that they keep no secrets from each other. He addresses her as,

"…dearest partner of greatness…"

Macbeth tells Lady Macbeth of all that has occurred. He commences with how the witches´ prophecy of him becoming 'Thane of Cawdor´ became true and how he 'burned in desire´ to question them further. Then he tells her of the prediction that he will become King. We gather from this letter that he now believes that the witches´ predictions will come true.
Lady Macbeth understands her husband well. She knows, as we do, that he has great ambitions, but she also knows that he would not like to betray his king after Duncan is so kind to him. She knows that she will have to urge her husband on to become king, so she calls for evil spirits to help her. This would have created tension because it is of supernatural leanings again.
Lady Macbeth talks about how she will give up her tender, gentle womanly qualities, so that she can become sexless and pitiless,

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"…unsex me here,
and fill me from the crown to the toe top-full of direst cruelty"

Lady Macbeth uses violent imagery in here monologue. She uses images of blood and darkness such as,

"…make thick my blood,
stop up the access and passage to remorse…"

This meaning how she would make herself insensitive by blocking up all the pathways by which remorse can reach her heart. This language would seem very unwomanly to a Shakespearean audience.
Macbeth tells Lady Macbeth that Duncan is to visit their castle tomorrow night. Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth to leave everything up to her.

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