Men and woman often think and behave differently in relation to love. Write about 'To His Coy Mistress' and Our Love Now' comparing how the poets have presented men's and woman's attitudes.

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Jo Kiddy

English coursework*

Men and woman often think and behave differently in relation to love. Write about ‘To His Coy Mistress’ and Our Love Now’ comparing how the poets have presented men’s and woman’s attitudes.


 In the 17th century the poem ‘To His Coy Mistress’ was written in this time and the society of that time was very much patriarchal. The woman, were treated with no consideration at all. The men were very derogatory towards the woman. The men instructed the woman to do a task for them; the woman would have no say, as it was out of her place to disagree with the men. They had to just agree to that instruction. The men treated woman as if they were possessions, woman had no say in the matter. In men’s eyes woman were just sexual prey to them, they used woman without considering that woman in fact too have feelings and are not just sexual prey to keep them sexually interested. The irritating fact is that woman had no power other than being the wives of powerful men.

‘Our Love now’ was written in the 21st century. The society has become more of an egalitarian society- meaning more equal. Woman have involved and have become more financially and politically independent; thanks to this woman can now vote!

In comparison with the 17th Century woman had very little power, they were very much dependant on men, not anymore woman in the 21st Century are no longer dependent on men. They are considerably more independent, and no longer are instructed to do exactly what the men told them to do.

The society has considerably changed from being very male dominated (partriarchal-17th century) to being more equal and now woman get a say in what they do (egalitarian- 21st century).

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‘To His Coy Mistress’ in this poem the poet is informing us that the man here is in complete control, The outline of this poem is that the man is persuading his mistress to sleep with him, however she would rather not, here the man is having a one sided argument this is because back then in the 17th century woman should not step out of line by disagreeing with their man so the poet has expressed this in the form of a one person argument, only the man is speaking.

In this poem the poet is explaining to us ...

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