No, I don't believe Lady Macbeth was an evil person; just an ignorant that allowed greed possesses her.

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No, I don't believe Lady Macbeth was an evil person; just an ignorant that allowed greed possesses her. I feel that the whole idea of becoming a queen got to her head and froze out her heart and conscience. She let her greedy ambition run away with her soul, leaving her very cold ad thoughtless. After Macbeth killed Duncan in the well-planned manner she came up with, Lady Macbeth showed no guilt. Then as she saw how being queen wasn't that great and how it destroyed Macbeth, Lady Macbeth became so overwhelmed by the realization of her sin that she went somewhat mad and killed herself.

Macbeth: The brave and noble Thane of Glamis who is tempted into murdering the king to gain the throne of Scotland. We can call him a tragic hero: here a great man who allows his ambition to lead to his downfall. During the course of the play we will see him make choices that lead him further into evil and despair.

Lady Macbeth: Macbeth's wife and a powerful, ruthless woman who devotes her life to evil. She is the driving force behind her husband. Eventually the evil deeds catch up with her and she is unable to deal with her conscience.

Decisions are always hard to make, but have to be made everyday. People tend to put pressure on others to force them to make the wrong decisions. In Macbeth’s case, Lady Macbeth is highly responsible for the evil doings of Macbeth, by forcing him to make the wrong choices, which puts his leadership at steak. She urges her husband to kill Duncan and become king, but is eventually driven to madness and suicide by her guilt over the bloodshed that follows. If it weren’t for Lady Macbeth, Macbeth never would have killed anyone.

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At first, Macbeth felt he had no reason to kill King Duncan, because of the witches’ prophecies which stated that in the future, he will become king. "If chance will have me king, why, chance may crown me without my stir." However, when Lady Macbeth found out about the prophecy that stated that Macbeth will become king, she immediately felt reason to murder him. "Is too full o' the milk of human kindness" shows that Lady Macbeth considers Macbeth to be a "wimp," and that she’ll have to do this all by herself. "Leave all the rest to me" clearly ...

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