The theme of love. By studying this theme, we should complete our knowledge so to enhance our understandings and appreciation of different texts. To help our comprehension we used some drama techniques

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Antonio Carlos Tostes – 9C

Candidate Number: 0042


Drama - IGCSE

Paper 1 Unit 1

Assessment Task 1 (A01)

        Throughout this term our class has been studying the theme of love. By studying this theme, we should complete our knowledge so to enhance our understandings and appreciation of different texts. To help our comprehension we used some drama techniques, which are explorative strategies. These techniques are very important to boost our acquaintance on the theme, characters and set. To do this in steps, we worked on certain workshops, in which everyone had an explorative strategy (or more), involved.

        The first workshop involved the introduction of the theme. We were divided in groups and every group was provided a large paper, and we had a certain amount of time to write on the paper everything that love represented to us, to the society. Lots of different ideas came up, some that I had never thought about, for example, narcissism (Narcissus - a man who fell in love with his own reflection). This was interesting because normally we think of love as a heterosexual love, between men and women, but there is a huge variety of different love.

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        The second workshop was an explorative strategy called, still Image. This is to produce an image where individuals are put to create any kind of relation with the others, in this case involving love. Each still image was created by any word written on your paper. After producing the image we were tapped on the shoulder to tell what we were thinking at that moment, this is called thought tracking.

        This was our second explorative strategy used. Thought tracking is when you stop individuals during a role play or still image and ask them to reveal their thoughts at that ...

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