the white house- aletter to GW Bush

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Rohan Passi

The White House

Washing DC


5th October 2007

Re: your comments on the book “Stupid White Men”

Dear Michael,

I have read your book “an open letter to President George W.Bush”. I have found out that many of the things you have written are wrong. Firstly you said that “you and I –we’re like family”. Hello mister, are you sleeping or what. Are you my uncle?, my father?, my mother?, my aunt?, my grandparents?, my brother? Or my sister that you are calling me one of your family members? You just know my cousin Kevin but you keep no contact with him. Just by knowing my cousin Kevin you cannot become my family member.

You also said that I am not able to read and write on an adult level. Excuse me mister who are you to say that. If I want I can put you behind bars. How dare you write all nonsense about the president saying that he doesn’t know to read and write! I have read you own story. I have also read the book maximum boy which has 1467 pages. It tells all about a small boy who has lots of super powers. I have just written a book journal about it.

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 You have done lots of things as well

  • You have been unpatriotic person by writing all these stories.
  • You have been a cruel, wicked and an evil person for writing this letter.
  • You have also been a shameless person to write such a nonsense letter to the president.
  • Pretending that you are the only person who can speak the best English I the whole of the world.

Are you an alcoholic?


 Yes I am an alcoholic but I don’t understand what is your problem and why does this bother you? You are asking me ...

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