Titanic Diary-the sinking

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Diary Entry 3

Dear Diary,

We arrived yesterday, Mother, Janie and I. Here at Uncle Harvey's house in New Jersey. So much has happened to me since I last wrote to you. Even now as I sit here a week later I am still trying to make sense of the huge string of awful events that have been this last week. My hands are shaking like mad .I can not even think about this without tears welling up in my eyes.

We left the ship on the 15th. A lot earlier than we expected to. We didn't step off the Titanic in New York like we expected to either. But instead into one of the large life boats that had once cluttered the deck only hours before.

Alice, Janie and I were all asleep in our cabins when the catastrophe began. I was awoken by a strange quivering feeling as the deck below us began to shake. The bunk bed wobbled violently and poor Janie almost fell off from the top bed. At first me and Alice were not quite sure what to make of the situation and with our trust in that mighty ship being so great we decided to ignore what had just happened an go back to sleep. We stayed in our cabin for about ten minutes until Father, Mother and Pete knocked at our door. We stepped out into the corridor where we could see heads appearing from half closed door. "Is anything wrong with the ship" mother asked an officer.

"None as far as I know he replied" but with a concerned look on his face" I'm sure we will be on our way shortly". At the time we felt there was no reason not to trust the officer so we all went back to sit in Mother and Fathers cabin. We sat waiting, none of us knowing what for ,until no more than quarter of an hour later a steward appeared and asked that Alice, Mother, Janie and I went up to the deck.
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We put on our coats and hurried up onto the deck. It was not until we were handed the white, ghostly, life jackets that I realised something must be seriously wrong. There were roomers on deck of an ice burg that had scraped by many of their windows. Everyone was walking about the deck wearing life jackets and there were many a frighten child shivering with fear. "The ship will sink!" cried a distressed woman but apart from that the deck seemed completely in order. The band was playing and the first class people were inside drinking wine ...

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