What do you see as Dickens social aims in "A Christmas Carol" and how does he go about them?

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What do you see as Dickens social aims in “A Christmas Carol” and how does he go about them?

Charles Dickens social aim is to help the readers of the book understand the problems and sufferings of the poor. In the book, which was set in the Victorian Era, the poor worked for long hours for a very little pay, had poor housing and were ignorant due to little or no education. When they needed benefits, they could only seek assistance from the charitable institutions (which were not plentiful at this time) or the work houses. Scrooge is an example of the typical rich man in the Victorian era. He believed that poverty was as a cause of the poor mans laziness and the rich have provided them with the facilities and equipment to help them such as workhouses, prisons, “the poor law”, and “the treadmill law” which were totally inadequate. Dickens tries to open the eyes of the rich and the powerful and to encourage them to help the poor/common man.

Dickens sets his novella during the Christmas period as it symbolises a time of year when people are aware of giving, charity and helping the less fortunate. Mr Scrooge was a very wicked, stingy rich man and Dickens used him (Scrooge) as a caricature to reflect all the evil within the society. Dickens described him as:

“… A tight-fisted hand at the grindstone. Scrooge! A squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetous old sinner… the cold within him froze his old features… and spoke out shrewdly in his voice”.

Everything about him is mean and cruel. The people did not even like him “Nobody ever stopped him on the street to say …” He was very greedy and he believed that the facilities that were established for the poor were enough for them (the workhouses were very cold places to be and provided its inhabitants with very little to eat). Mr Scrooge treated his clerk, Bob Crachit, with no respect and gave him no liberty and very little supplies. Bob Crachit symbolises the poor people who were honest, good employees. Bob Crachit was like every poor person working in the Victorian time, working for very long hours and for a very little pay.

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“... he might  keep his eye on his clerk, who in a dismal little cell beyond, sort of tank, was copying letters … the clerks coal was so very much smaller that it looked like one coal but he couldn’t replenish it …”

He was a very timid, cheerful and kind man, though he was poor, Dickens shows that the poor were more joyful and merrier than the rich and those in power. Through Bob Crachit he presents the idea of kindness and generosity makes one happy.

Fred, Scrooges nephew; who was a very merry man showed and presented ...

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