What role does the corruption of innocence play in 'Turn of the screw' by Henry James and 'Lord of the Flies' by William Golding?

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What role does the corruption of innocence play in ‘Turn of the screw’ by Henry James and ‘Lord of the Flies’ by William Golding?

   In the books Lord of the Flies and Turn of the screw, the corruption of innocence is used to show how easily evil can manifest itself in children. In Lord of the Flies, a group of young children are abandoned on an island with no adult supervision. They are convinced there is a beast on the island. This is the source of the evil, which eventually causes the group to start arguing and completely split up. In Turn of the Screw, a young woman is hired to look after two young children, Miles and Flora. She is convinced she can see the ghosts of Peter Quint and Miss Jessel who used to look after the children. This slowly sends the woman mad and she kills Miles, trying to prove what she sees.


    In both books there is a corrupting force. In Lord of the Flies, the beast represents this. The beast brings fear to the children on the island, especially the littluns. It is a focus for their fears. The parachutist, which lands at the top of the mountain, is their first real focus for the beast. At this point in the book, the boys wanted grown ups to come and sort things out for them on the island. The grown up came but can’t save them, as he is dead. The boys don’t know this though. The twins, who were on fire watch, saw the parachutist and immediately thought it was the beast. They ran down the mountain to tell their chief, Ralph that they had just seen the beast.

    As the book goes on, the beast starts to break up the society formed while they were on the island. The group splits and jack becomes the leader of the new hunting group and decides they “aren’t going to bother about the beast.”  When Ralph and piggy visit Jack’s end of the island, they find jack “painted and garlanded, sat there like an idol.” The hunters do a tribal dance. They pretend Roger is the pig and they run around in a circle around him with their spears, as they supposedly would when they were out hunting. They all chant “kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill the blood!” Simon comes out of the bushes, after his encounter with ‘the Lord of the flies’ and is killed. His name is never mentioned, he is called the beast throughout the killing, “ the beast was on its knees in the centre of the circle.”

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    In The Turn of the Screw, Peter Quint is the corrupting force. Peter Quint is real; therefore the beast is just a symbol. Quint’s appearance is different to what the governess has seen around. She immediately knows he is not a gentleman has he is not wearing a hat. Quint is seen as the stereotypical, dominant, male figure of evil who corrupts those around him. Quint seems to have an influence on Miles. He starts doing things just to prove to the governess that he can. An example of this is when he goes outside in the ...

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