What sort of person was Lady Macbeth?

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What sort of person was Lady Macbeth?

        Is Lady Macbeth an evil character in Shakespeare’s  ‘Macbeth’, or is she just a caring wife? In this essay I will examine her character throughout the play and try to show how she changes.

        In the first scene where she is introduced to the play my first impression was she is evil. Her first scene is when she is reading a letter from her husband Macbeth. The letter tells her about the witches and his ambition to become King. She loves the idea of her becoming queen. Lady Macbeth realises immediately that they must kill Duncan if she is to become queen and she has no problem with this thought. Therefore, she calls on the devil for assistance, although she seems slightly afraid that she might be punished if God can see what she is up to.

                                “The raven himself is hoarse

                That croaks the fatal entrance of Duncan

                Under my battlements. Come, you spirits

                That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here

                And fill me from the crown to the toe top-full

                Of direst cruelty!...................................................

                                                  Come, thick night,

                And pall thee in the dunnest smoke of hell,”

She is asking the devil to make her evil this shows she is not all evil but wants to be as ruthless a possible. She does not think her husband is capable of acting on his own.          

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Lady Macbeth does not once appear with any other woman in the play; whenever she was present she was with men and always the only woman. I think maybe lady Macbeth wants to be as powerful as the men are, she wears the trousers in her marriage to Macbeth.  When Macbeth arrives home she tells him her plan to kill Duncan, and persuades him to do it.

                “ . . . When Duncan is asleep-. . .

                Soundly invite him-his two chamberlains

                Will I with wine and wassail so convince

                That memory, the warder of the brain,

                Shall ...

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