Who is responsible for the fall of Macbeth from "Noble Macbeth" to the "Dead Butcher"

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Dominic Wheldrick                

Who is responsible for the fall of Macbeth from

“Noble Macbeth” to the

 “Dead Butcherer”

In the play Macbeth, the audience may notice that there are three main contributors to the fall of, Great Macbeth, to the dead butcherer.  These three are, the three witches, Lady Macbeth and Macbeth.  Although they all have their vital roles to play, it is Macbeth who the audience would more easily see is the main contributor.

Although Macbeth is the main contributor the witches and Lady Macbeth both play a significant part in this play.  To start with the audience can see that the witches are very important as they are the first people on stage during this play.  Straight away the audience can immediately clearly see that the witches are evil through each language as “Where shall we three meet again/In thunder, lightning, or in rain?” and “Fair is foul and foul is fair;/Hover through the fog and filthy air.”  These two quotations give a picture of the witches and that is that they are evil.  Pathetic fallacy is used in the stage directions, they say “Thunder and lightning.  Enter three witches/”  This sets the scene as quit dark and for the witches to start as their devious plan to trick Macbeth.  As the audience sees so far the witches are obviously not the kind of people you may find your average lord or lady associating with, this makes you suspicious of them, and of Macbeth. The answer to this questions is no, as in a later scene where as Macbeth is drawn in and intrigued by the witches, his friend Banquo revisits their temptations and ignores their suggestions.  In scene I the audience evidence of their evil ways as it is clear that they are plotting or even casting a spell on Macbeth.  All the way through the play the audience will pick up on the witches use of language, description and their activities they are doing.  They constantly use very descriptive language, this can be seen in this quotation, “Round about the cauldron go;/In the poisoned entrails throw.”  The language used here is o dead beings and it is descriptive through words such as “entrails” and “poisoned”.  The audience can clearly see that the witches are participating in some kind of spell.  The audience may also see that the queen of the witches – Hacate, lures Macbeth into a false sense of security through equivocation in the form of ambiguous prophecies.  This later leads to the death of Macbeth as he realizes he has been deceived by the witches.  The three prophecies Hecate gives to Macbeth are; “Beware the Thane of Fife. Dismiss me”, the second “The power of man for none of woman born/shall harm Macbeth” and the third, “Macbeth shall never vanquished be, until/Great Birnam wood to Dunstance hill/shall come against him.”  It is not until near the end of the play that the last two prophecies come into the play.  When they do and Macbeth realizes there double meaning it is too late as he is already trapped.  Although the witches are evil and they do trick Macbeth it is inevitable that Macbeth would have fell.

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The other main character who the audience would clearly notice helping and encouraging Macbeth is Lady Macbeth.  The audience may see that she is eager to help Macbeth to achieve his ambition of being King.  Early on in the play Lady Macbeth prays to the devil spirits to come and remove her female emotion, this can be seen in this quotation “Come you spirits/That tend as mental thoughts, unsex me here,/And fill me from the crows to the tow top-full/Of direct cruelty;”  The audience can see here that Lady Macbeth is willing to sell herself to the devil to ...

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