Why does Macbeth carry out his murders?

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Why does Macbeth carry out his murders?

Macbeth is the main character of the play and regarded, as the person with all responsibilities, and one of these responsibilities are the murders of King Duncan and blameless people.

After reading ‘Macbeth’ by William Shakespeare, we discover the actual reasons for the three murders conceded by Macbeth himself. The first reason might be the three witches made predictions of Macbeth future after fighting the battle with the traitor, Ex-Thane of Cawdor. In act one scene three when Macbeth confronts the witches, they recount to Macbeth’s three prophecies, That Macbeth will become Thane of Cawdor, Thane of Glamis and followed by king of Scotland. The first witch says to Macbeth “All hail Macbeth, Hail to thee thane of glamis” this tells Macbeth he is the thane of glamis, the second with tells Macbeth “All hail Macbeth, hail to thee thane of Cawdor” this tells his future then the third witch saying “All hail Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter”. By this moment Macbeth seems mystified as he’s told he would be the thane of Cawdor then the king of Scotland, he already knows that he is the thane of glamis, but how the thane of Cawdor, then king? In act one scene three Macbeth asks the witches “stay you imperfect speakers, tell me more; by Sinels death, I know I am the thane of glamis, but how of Cawdor”, Macbeth is trying to find out more at this moment.

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 The second reason to why Macbeth carried out the murders, Macbeth is encouraged to kill Duncan by his ambitious wife Lady Macbeth, but Macbeth is then stimulated by fate, and at last by impulse to carry out his next chain of perverse crimes. When Macbeth sent a letter to lady Macbeth, an indication of the influence in Lady Macbeth already exerted on his life and it informed her of what was said by the three disreputable witches about him becoming thane of Cawdor before Duncan enrolled him then become the king of Scotland. This gave her the inspiration she would ...

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