Why Does Macbeth Change his Mind Twice?

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Why Does Macbeth Change his Mind Twice?

        The play is entitled The Tragedy of Macbeth. This suggests that the main  is a . This implies the downfall of a man of great standing, intelligence and personal power - someone respected for his courageous deeds. Because of a fatal flaw in his character, we watch his decline and inevitable death. During the course of the play we are encouraged to feel terror and pity as we watch the tragic consequences of his behaviour.

During the course of the play Macbeth changes his mind twice about killing King Duncan. He first decides to kill the king, and then decides not to kill him, before deciding to kill him once again.


        There is plenty of evidence in the early scenes of the play that Macbeth is a valiant soldier and a noble Thane. He is well respected by the other Thanes, who speak highly of his performance in battle. He is a soldier of note, a worthy opponent in battle. He kills Macdonwald and helps defeats the Norwegian forces. He is, in fact, crucial to the army, his king and country.

        Despite this he is a weak character and is easily persuaded by people, such as the witches in Act 1Scene 3 when they greet him, “ All hail Macbeth! Hail to thee, thane of Cawdor! ...... All Hail Macbeth! Thou shalt be king hereafter!” Although he is first puzzled by this, as he is not yet Thane of Cawdor or the king, he is influenced by what they have to say and this comes to light more and more as the play goes on. The witches leave and he then talks to Banquo about it, and is then told by Banquo that he will be king, ”You shall be king.” From this time onwards we share in the slow decline of a great hero in his own right, until finally we see only the sad and lonely man who anticipates the meaninglessness of his future. Although it is very necessary for Shakespeare to show the heroic Thane in action, it also adds to our sense of loss as we watch Macbeth's descent into evil, prompted by personal ambition and the prophecy of the forces of darkness. I think this sets the idea in Macbeths head that he can become king and this ambition grows on him as the play wears on, as does the ambition for Lady Macbeth. As in Act 1 Scene 5 when Macbeth enters Lady Macbeth instantly greets him, “Great Glamis! Worthy Cawdor! Greater than both, by the all-hail hereafter!”. After this Macbeth goes on to say that the king comes there that night and Lady Macbeth says when will he leave and Macbeth says,” Tomorrow, as he purposes.” Lady Macbeth then says,” O, never shall sun that morrow see!” as if overcome with evil and a bit over excited about the whole thing. That night it is planned that Macbeth kill King Duncan.

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Act 1 Scene 5 Lines 61-68 show the very blatant thoughts emerging from Lady Macbeth,” Your face, my Thane, is as a book where men May read strange matters. To beguile the time Look like the time; bear welcome in your eye, Your hand, your tongue; look like the innocent flower, But be the serpent under't. He that's coming Must be provided for; and you shall put
This night's great business into my dispatch, Which shall to all our nights and days to come Give solely sovereign sway and masterdom.” The theme of this passage is ambition. Nothing can stand ...

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