William Shakespeare

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Brenton Munson

Period 3


Shakespeare paper

William Shakespeare is probably the greatest author of the modern western civilization. His beloved plays are an everlasting legacy of the theatrical Elizabethan era and are displayed greatly in his 1590's remake of a Greek play "Romeo and Juliet".  All over the globe Shakespeare's plays bring to mind literary genius, a writer so creative and inspiring he is unmatched in playwrights.  Writing 37 plays and a staggering amount of poetry, it is in no surprise that William Shakespeare is one of the most quoted writers of his or this time.

O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?

Deny thy father and refuse thy name;

Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love,

And I'll no longer be a Capulet.

--From Romeo and Juliet (II, ii, 33)

Juliet cries these words, having just fallen in love with Romeo of the Montague family, the sworn enemy of her own the Capulets.  A most misunderstood line Juliet is not asking where, but why, asking why are you Romeo and a Montague, my father's (and family's) divine hate?  This line intrigues me mostly because Juliet doesn't know she is being overheard by of the person of whom she speaks (Romeo), and although it is one of the most commonly known passages from the play but very few know what it actually means.  This line is truly significant to the play's development because she is proclaiming her love to him without knowledge of her doing so, letting Romeo know for the first time that he is not alone in these feelings.

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Help me into some house, Benvolio,

Or I shall faint. A plague o' both your houses!

They have made worms' meat of me; I have it,

And soundly too, your houses

--From Romeo and Juliet (III, i, 94)

When Tybalt, nephew of Sir Capulet, spots Romeo on the street he challenges him to a duel and draws his sword. Romeo, who now considers Tybalt family, although he cannot say so due to the fact that he is keeping his marriage to Juliet a secret, refuses to fight. Romeo's dear friend Mercutio takes up the sword in his stead, ...

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