Deforestation presents a conflict of interest between production and conservation.

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Deforestation presents a conflict of interest between production and conservation

         Deforestation is the permanent removal of all the trees in an area. Throughout history forests have been cleared for agriculture, making new settlements and logging. Forests play a significant role in the earth’s environmental balance. Besides producing oxygen they store carbon dioxide so play a big role in controlling global warming. Forests found in the more temperate climates in the industrialised nations are very different to tropical rainforests. Forests found in temperate areas are likely to grow back(but are replaced by non-native trees like conifers) whereas tropical forests are not due to the balance between climate and vegetation being lost after they are removed. Tropical rainforests are home to 50% of the world’s plant and animal species. Recent rates of deforestation are thought to be having a significant effect on global diversity nutrient cycles and erosion.

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         Tropical rainforests are found in developing countries around the equator. The tropical rainforest is a major source of income for these countries, they can generate money by logging, mining, selling crops grown from deforested land and building dams. Thus governments encourage deforestation so they can relieve their debts and get sources for future growth. Lack of land and poverty is widespread in the developing world this added with population pressure forces people to clear forests and use them for firewood and use the land for growing crops on.

        Deforestation is ...

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