Section B - Postive Factors

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Christopher Ball

Positive factors of Hillary’s health and well being

There are a number of positive factors in Hillary’s Health and well being. these include:

  • Work – Job
  • Income – Enough money for all her needs
  • Social life – going out with her friends
  • Housing – Having good housing
  • Education – Having good qualifications
  • Hobbies and interests –keeping the mind active

My client has good positive factors which have a positive effect in her life they are:

  • Income
  • Stable relationship
  • Social life
  • Housing

The positive factors, of income in Hillary’s health and well-being:

Hillary has good income. This is good socially as she can go out with her friends without worrying about money. She can go on holidays and relax with her friends. Good income also means that she would have no emotional worry or stress due to this. Hillary always has enough money for everything she wants and needs; this is a confidence boost as she is never worrying about money and how she is going to afford things. This is linked to her social life as she can go out as much as she wants when she wants too.

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The positive factor, of supportive and stable relationships in Hillarys health and well-being:

Hillary has quite a few Supportive relationships such as friends, family and colleagues friends and family are good supportive relationships and will care and love her. The other supportive relationships in Hillary’s life is her work colleagues which support her at work his helps her so she does not have a stressful time at work having a good supportive relationships is linked to her social life. Socially this is good because she always has some one to socialise with. Intellectually this is good because she has ...

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