Guide to The Nazi SS (Schutzstaffel).

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What were the SS and what did they do?

SS, abbreviation of Schutzstaffel (protection squad), the German Nazi organization in charge of the security services and programmes of mass murder.

The SS was established by Julius Schreck in April 1925 as a bodyguard unit for Adolf Hitler. During 1926 Schreck's successor Joseph Berchtold extended the SS security system throughout the party. In 1927 Berchtold was succeeded as Reichsführer SS (national leader of the SS) by Erhard Heiden, who gave way in 1929 to Heinrich Himmler. In 1932 Himmler established an intelligence unit, the SD (Sicherheitsdienst RFSS, security service of the national leader of the SS), under Reinhard Heydrich.

By January 1933, when the Nazis seized power, the SS had 50,000 members, including a new bodyguard unit, the Leibstandarte-SS Adolf Hitler, and the staff of the concentration camp at Dachau, the first of 20. In March 1934 the SS took charge of all German police organizations, including the Gestapo (Geheime Staatspolizei, secret state police), and in July, after its suppression of the SA leadership, it was removed from the jurisdiction of all other state and party institutions and given its own military units, the VT (Verfügungstruppe). In 1936 its camp guards were organized into TV (Totenkopfverbände, Death's Head squads) and the Lebensborn (Spring of Life) organization began work on Himmler's plan to create a “master race” through selective breeding and forced adoptions.

In January 1939 the SD began to organize Jewish “emigration”, that is, deportation. In March the SS worked with the Slovak nationalist leader Josip Tito against the government of Czechoslovakia, just before the German invasion; in May its troops were reorganized at the Waffen-SS; and in September SD members disguised as Polish soldiers “invaded” German territory, providing a pretext for war. Other SS units murdered Polish nobles, priests, and professionals and drove about 2.3 million Polish Jews into ghettoes. It was also in 1939 that SS officer Christian Wirth organized the murder of 100,000 people alleged to be mentally or physically “unfit”. By this point the SS had 258,000 members, most of them organized under the RSHA (Reichssicherheitshauptamt, central office for state security), a secret body, led by Heydrich, with powers over all the subjects of the Nazi Party except party members.

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In October 1939 the SS RuSHA ( Rass- und Siedlungshauptamt, central office for race and resettlement) began deporting about 1 million Poles, replacing them with German-speakers from the Baltic states and eastern Europe. In May 1940, after Himmler had sent Hitler a memorandum calling for the deportation of the Jews, the enslavement of the Slav peoples, and the resettlement of Germans in eastern Europe, he was appointed Reichskommissar für die Festigung Deutschen Volkstums (state commissioner for the strengthening of German “peoplehood”, or RKF) and in January 1941 the SS took powers to execute “enemies of the state” without trial. ...

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