Hitler was a weak dictator

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Weak Dictator AuthorityPublic SupportManagement of oppositionDecision making, enforcing policy, visionManagement of PartyWhere are decisions made without him? Does it matter? March 5th 1933 elections, government uses control of radio, policie to intimidate opponents in election, Battle against Marxism 24th  March, Enabling Act, ‘Law for Terminating the suffering of the people and the Nation’ gives emergency powers12 November 1933, Nazi Candidates for Reichstag win 92% of votes30 June 1934, Night of Long Knives, SS shoot many SA leaders seen as a threat No legal way to replace him, had power to divide and demoralise and weaken liberal/conservative/ socialist opponents through suppressionViolence from below SA, murdered estimated 500 people in 1933) and terror from
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above, Nazi power of stateBy end of 1933 potentially over 100,000 arrestedNight of Long Knives marked major shift in his dictatorship development, triumphed over left right extremist Nazis SA support of elite Kershaw ‘Hitler’, Far from creating a dependence pf Hitler on the army, the oath marked the symbolic moment where the army chained itself to the Fuhrer”His formal position as Fuhrer, relationship with Germans, nature effect of Hitler myth, role in decision makingNazi Germany Roderick Stackelberg Nazi theorist, Ernst Huber “He shapes the collective will of the people within himself and he embodies the political unit and entirety of ...

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