How Stable Was the Weimar Republic Between 1925 and 1929?

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How Stable was the Weimar Republic between 1925 and 1929?

I am going to look at the years of 1925 to 1929 and establish how stable they were politically and economically for the Weimar republic.

First of all I need to determine what is meant by 'stable'. In today's context I suppose it would mean a well ordered, prosperous society led by a democratic leader seeking to better the country. This is my interpretation and as such is not universally accepted, in fact it maybe unique to me but never the less will be used as a platform for comparison.

To go back to the time however and contrast 1925-29 with 1918-23 would make it seem considerably more stable than what we might call stable today.

To try and better understand the divisions within the republic we have to look at the foundations. The Germans had been forced to agree to armistice terms offered by the allies due to SPD action in causing disruption in government. I believe this won them no friends.

As such the republic was forced upon the German people, so from the start the democracy was unwelcome by the right and more extreme left wing groups such as communists (KPD) and Spartacists. Elite's supported the republic through fear of alternatives; many key figures in society; judges and civil servants disliked republic! And few among opinion formers tried to win support for the republic (church, newspapers). In addition to this the republic was founded on a lost war which Germany was made responsible for, the infamous article 231 which many Germans resented.

All this adds to the instability of the Weimar Republic
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It is the view of Kurt Borchard that the years of 1924 - 29 were years of "slow growth and relative stagnation" and as like myself this view is widely accepted by many.

However I feel it is taken out of context and the years 1925-29 were not so unstable. There are many arguments that support my case.

The (Charles) Dawes plan is a foreign, American plan, helping Germany to try and secure its economy, which is of even more importance considering The Treaty of Versailles left Germany militarily weak. This can be seen as a ...

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