It was a miracle that the Weimar Republic lasted until 1924. How far do you agree?

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It was a miracle that the Weimar Republic lasted until 1924. How far do you agree?

The Weimar Republic, set up in January 1919, lasted for 14 chaotic years; years of calamities of all kinds, in the social, economic and political provinces. From 1919 to 1924 the Weimar Republic seemed at several times to be on the verge of collapse and it surprised the vast majority that it lasted until 1924. There were five key factors which had an impact in the weakening of the Republic.

        The Treaty of Versailles (signed 28th June 1919) was a major cause of the eventual collapse of Weimar. It left damaging consequences which had an impact on the nation as a whole. The acceptance of War Guilt had a colossal impact on the German national pride, which had an inevitable knock on effect on its economy. Many became angry and frustrated predominantly due to the fact that even by as late as spring of 1918, most Germans had anticipated victory. However the economy had already been bruised enough, the loss of industry not only meant a severe reduction in production rate, but it also meant that thousands were left unemployed. The loss of Germany’s land resulted in the loss of population, many Germans now found themselves separated from family and under the rule of another country who may not have been German speaking (e.g the Polish Corridor and Alsace Lorraine). This land lost may have also been industrial land, resulting in Germany no longer having the income from such industries or from the tax on that land. All in all Germany is believed to have lost 13% of its territory, 6.5 million of its population, 48% of its iron ore and 16% of its agricultural production. An anchluss with Austria was forbidden which angered Germany for the simple reason that the two countries had been close for many years previous. Another clause of the treaty meant Germany also had to pay £6600 million of reparation fees to the allies. With its severe loss of industry this became an impossibility as they now had far lesser means of making such money.  Germany’s army and armaments were hugely reduced, not only resulting in more mass unemployment (those de-mobbed soldiers as well as factory workers constructing the armaments) but also the German people were a very proud country and were massively proud of their achievements including their army. Without this army the country lacked a strong defensive system, which was crucial to Germany incase of any hostility from neighboring countries, another reason for a lack in confidence from the people. Plus once the soldiers had been dismissed from the army, they still had their weapons which lead to chaos on the street. The Treaty of Versailles was clearly hated and the politicians responsible for signing it received a heavy amount of blame. Therefore, due to the treaty, there was already bubbling hatred for the new politicians of the Weimar Republic.

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        However this was not the only issue affecting the Republic. There was also that of the threats from extreme groups both left and right. At this time there were a few predominant groups, the Soviets (the SPD) the Spartacists and the Freikorps. The Soviets were a council of workers and soldiers and they believed in similar left wing views to communists, power to the people and workers, and they wished to achieve this through revolution and reform. They aroused the fear that they would over throw the current German society and set up a communist regime. The Freikorps were a ...

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