Jack the ripper

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Kelly Price                        Jack the Ripper Coursework

1.        Source A tells us about murderer and about the victims of the murders, it is part of an article in the East End Observer describing the murders of Martha Tabram and Polly Nichols. From the source we learn that the two victims of the murderer were the  “poorest of the poor”. It also describes that the murderer had no adequate motive for the killings. The murder is described as using “extraordinary violence”. This phrase suggests that the killing was brutal and merciless. In the source it says that “both crimes are the work of the demented being”, this gives me the impression that the murderer was mentally challenged and was unaware of what he was doing.

        At the beginning of source A, it describes how the two murders “startled London”. The people of London were genuinely surprised about the two murders but there was also an atmosphere of panic. Women who fitted the description of the two victims; such as financially unstable prostitutes living in East End London were frightened that they could soon be victims too.

2.        Source C does to some extent support the evidence of sources A and B because all three are referring to the murders of the women in East End London during the late 1800s. However, the nature and purpose of the sources are very different

Source B is part of the Coroners report of the death of Annie Chapman. The source tells me that the murderer was someone who had ‘anatomical skills and knowledge’. It also says that there were no meaningless cuts made which means that the murder was intentional and the murderer knew what he was doing and why he was doing it. There is a link of the Tabram murder, which suggests that the same person committed all three murders.

        Source C is a report of Dr Fredrick Blackwell on the body of Elizabeth Stride. It tells us how the body was found and what state she was found in. it describes which parts of her body were hot and which parts were cold. The report tells us that the victim was found with no money on her. This could be because the murderer killed her for the money or the victim had no money to start off with.

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        Sources B and C are linked because they are both official reports and are very reliable evidence. Whereas Source A is not very reliable because it is a newspaper article and it dramatises the murders of Martha Tabram and Polly Nichols. Newspapers often exaggerate and extend the truth to catch the reader’s attention. Source C supports source B because both imply that the murderer knew what he was doing. Both sources base their comments on evidence that they have investigated.

3.        Source D and E are very useful in helping me understand why the Ripper was able to avoid ...

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