south africa coursework

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Choose any two problems and discuss how far they are a result of government policy before 1994.

         Often people will want someone or something to blame for their problems and misfortunes and South Africa is no different. The answers to the country’s many problems are no doubt going to be hard to find but as to why these problems arose in the first place is a question that can be answered. Government policy before 1994 was, of course, the apartheid regime and often people will place all the blame upon this time in which a white minority ruled over South Africa and disregarded its native people as lesser beings than themselves. However the question raised is can we completely blame apartheid for all of South Africa’s problems today, or has the current government simply not done enough to keep the country out of trouble? One problem that doesn’t appear to be getting any better is South Africa’s education system.

         During the period of apartheid black children received little education and the education they were given was poor as the government invested almost all of its money into the white schools. They believed that black people would be better off if they prepared them for life on the homelands, not as educated citizens who could work in the cities. The main aim of the government during apartheid was to separate white people from blacks as much as possible and education was one way in which that could do this. In 1953 the Bantu Education Act was passed and this brought black education completely under the control of the government. Black children and white children were not allowed to attend the same schools. Whilst white school children were taught subjects such as maths, history and science, in a black school pupils learnt how to live in the homelands, this ensured that black people would not be capable of working in a city because they did not have the correct qualifications thus meaning blacks would be forced to remain in the homelands whether they wanted to or not. It also became the law that black children had to be taught in Afrikaans and this has also contributed to the current day problem of unemployment, as most black Africans cannot speak English well enough to get a good job. As a result of this appalling system a whole generation has been lost to poor education causing unemployment to spiral.

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          As much as apartheid is to blame for depriving the current generation of adults in the black community of a good education, can it really be the cause of the poor education black children are still receiving today? Class numbers are huge at around sixty per class and within them there is an enormous age range from 13 to 18 year olds. As teachers struggle with the big numbers of their class and their varying abilities, so do they battle with the violence and crime that also runs riot within schools. Teachers are threatened, sometimes ...

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