"Tension between the countries of Europe increased in year before 1914 due to the arms race but war was always avoided because the great powers acted together to keep the peace". How far do you agree with this statement?

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“Tension between the countries of Europe increased in year before 1914 due to the arms race but war was always avoided because the great powers acted together to keep the peace”. How far do you agree with this statement?

The great powers were Russia, Germany, Italy, Britain, France and Austria-Hungary. The tension and cause that happen between these countries were Russia and Austria were friends but when Austria failed to help Russia in their time of need, which mad them, become emeries. France and Britain disliked each other from the start but the effect of Germany made Britain and France become allies. Italy was country that wanted to build up their empire, Germany was the same as Italy but they did want other countries to know about their idea.

Now I am going to explain some rising tension between the great power and the reason why war was avoided.

There were two major Bulgarian crises. The first crises was in 1878 because of an Austro-Russian clash over the Balkans. The sultan of Turkey was faced with rebellions in Bosnia and Bulgaria, so he sent in troops and inflicted cruel reprisals, including the massacre of 10,000 Bulgarians in 1876. Russian was angry with this and sent in her army to protect the Bulgarians who were Slavs like themselves. This alarmed Austria, but Russia promised that they would not interfere with Austrian interests in the Balkans and they promised to not create a Bulgarian state that would not be too large. However, Russia did not stick to this because they were pleased at how fast they had defeated Turkey, that they forced them to sign the Treaty of San Stefano.  This created a massive Bulgarian state that has a Mediterranean coastline just by the mouth of the Black Sea.  This would enable Russia to disrupt British shipping through the Suez Canal. Austria was also upset because they felt that they had been lied to. Britain and Austria threatened war, so the German Chancellor, Otto Van Bismarck invited the Great Powers to a Berlin Conference to solve the problem. The Treaty of Berlin dismantled the big Bulgarian state. In this case, it was the Great Powers working together that prevented a war breaking out.

The second Bulgarian crisis came about in 1885. By the mid 1880’s, the Great Powers position of 1878 had been completely reversed. As the Bulgarians had proved themselves to be anything but Russian puppets, Austria and Britain now favored a large Bulgarian state, the Russians did not. In September 1885, Prince Alexander of Bulgaria declared that Bulgaria was going to take over Eastern Rumania. He did this without consulting the Russians, who were very angry. However, the Dreikaiserbund together and in 1886 the reality of a big Bulgaria was accepted. In August and September 1886, a Russian conspiracy eventually led to Alexander’s abdication. Austria was now furious and Austro-Russian relations deteriorated rapidly. By November, open threats of war had been made in Vienna. A war now seemed a real possibility. By the spring of 1887, it was obvious that Russians would not renew the Three Emperors League, but Bismarck was determined to keep the peace for both camps.  In June 1887, he signed a private agreement with Russia-the Reinsurance Treaty- that kept discussions going with St Petersburg. At the same time, he also renewed the Dual Alliance with Austria. He acted as a go between and war was avoided. Again, it was the major world powers acting together, but especially Bismarck that prevented a war from breaking out in 1878.

I agree with this statement that tension increased between the countries before 1914 however it was not directly because of the armed race. There were key facts behind all this, which created tension between the countries. This then lead to countries, increasing their armed forces to be on the safe side. There was some other tension such as countries did not have trust on one another so they signed treaties with one another to help each other if war was to occur. In the Dual Alliance ion 1879 it shows that there was tension between countries and other nations wanted to have a team of nations i.e. Germany agreed to Austria against Russia if Austria would help Germany against France so that emphasizes that there was tension between countries. The countries themselves worked together to avoid war, Bismarck for Germany tries lots of ways to create peace between countries like in the reinsurance Treaty with Austria.    

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 Tension between the counties of Europe increased in Between 1878 and 1887 in Austro-Hungary and Russian clash over the Balkans threatened to bring Europe to the brink of war. The massacre of 10,000 Bulgarians outraged Russia who sent her army to protect the Bulgarians. Although Russia promised Austria not to create a large Bulgarian state, they ignored it and went ahead with the creation f one. This enraged Austria who felt they had been lie to by Russia. Resulting from this Britain and Austria threatened war on Russia. To sort out the problem, Bismarck invited all of the Great ...

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