The American West :General George Armstrong Custer 1839 – 1878

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General George Armstrong Custer

1839 – 1878

by Thomas Parr

General George Armstrong Custer

1) From ‘Source A’ I can see that Custer is a powerful soldier, due to his uniform and the weapon he is resting on. His uniform also shows that he is a high rank.  His long hair shows that he is a bit of a rebel, as short hair is usually the norm. It also shows he is proud and different, and I feel shows arrogance. His pose shows confidence. His face is stern and emotionless, which I feel shows that he is in control, and very focused. In ‘Source E’ Custer is the only one wearing buckskin, so it shows his individuality, and possibly arrogance again – he had to be different. He is also with an Indian, so it shows he liked some of them. The fact that he has killed a grizzly bear shows that he is strong and brave- a good hunter.

2) Custer came from a poor background, but he was still incredibly ambitious and he wanted to be a lawyer. He needed a free education so went to West Point. He did not want to be a soldier and finished bottom of the class, maybe showing signs of laziness, complacency or just a lack of intelligence. He was lucky twice. First of all in 1861- the American Civil War, so it did not matter that he was bottom of the class, he became a soldier anyway.

‘Source C’ tells me that Custer had flair, and stood out from the crowd- he was special. He was an exceptional horseman and athlete. His second stroke of fortune meant a meeting with General George McClellan. He returned to cavalry, and after this he had an amazing rise through the ranks to become the youngest General in history. This shows his incredible skill as a soldier, and a high level of intelligence. Maybe he got a bit big headed, with his long hair and personally designed uniform. He was incredibly brave, he would charge when an enemy was sighted.

‘Source D’ shows that he was a showman, and always wanted to be at the center of attention, leading processions and being center stage when General Lee surrendered. He was in newspapers and on the front cover of several illustrated magazines.  He wanted publicity, fame, and most of all glory. He wanted to be known as the Boy General – a national hero!

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3) Source F is by a Private of the 7th Cavalry.  He says that Custer did not care about his men “Hardships to his men were worthy of but little considerations”, which is supported by Source K, “He was too hard on his men”. He was driven on by his burning desire for promotion, fame and glory, “dim visions of a ‘star’”, which is backed up by Source K, “When he got a notion we had to go”. Men who were under Custer’s command write both sources.  They would know him very well as they spend the majority of their ...

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