"The economic depression of 1929-1932 was the turning point in Nazi fortunes". How well does this explain Hitler's achievement of power in 1933?

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“The economic depression of 1929-1932 was the turning point in Nazi fortunes”. How well does this explain Hitler’s achievement of power in 1933?

In January 1933 Hitler was appointed chancellor of Germany by president Hindenburgh. Although there are various arguments about the main reason of “why” Nazi Party came to power, most historians agreed that the economic depression of 1929 was the turning point of the “biggest” mistake in world history: Adolf Hitler becoming Fuhrer in 1934.

Gustav Stresemann, leader of the right-wing party agreed to become chancellor in September 1923. At that moment Germans were facing Hyperinflation and the Weimar Republic did not have much of support. Gustav Stressman came to the rescue playing a large role in stopping inflation and saving the Republic. Amongst the leaders he was respected as one of them said:” the Republic is beginning to stabilise itself and the German people are becoming to the way things are.”

After 1923 the German economy improved, they restarted the Reparations payments through the Dawes Plan. As a result of the payments Germany received “big” loans from America businesses.

In 1925 Stresseman signed the Locarno Pact, in which Germany and France should not attack each other. Germany under Stresseman were aiming to re-establish their position collaborating with the world community. In a speech made at Locarno, Stresseman said:

If we believe at all in the future of our peoples, we ought not to live in disunity and enmity, we must join in hands in common labour.”

The allies were impressed by Germany and by 1926 they were allowed to join the League of Nation.

Things were seem to go smoothly for Germany apparently.

Meanwhile Adolf Hitler, the brave Iron Cross awarded lance corporals during the WW1, was against the Weimar Republic. He believed that the German people had been “stabbed at the back” by the Republic leaders “November criminals” by signing the Treaty of Versailles. He joined German Workers’ Party in Munich in 1919,transforming it later on into a National Socialist German Workers’ Party. His aim was to convince that the Treaty of Versailles was unfair.

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In Italy, in the meantime a man called Mussolini also known as “il duce” came to power by force, letting his black shirts soldiers marching in Rome. Mussolini used propaganda to look for support and attract Italians, slogans like “Mussolini is always right” and “believe, obey and fight” were endlessly repeated in Italy. His idea was to create a Roman Empire.

With the help of ex army-related people like Hess,Goering,Himmler and Rohm and taking idea from “il duce”, Hitler tried to get power by the Munich Beer Hall Putsch. On the 8 November 1923 he made this speech: ...

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