The Treaty of Versailles.

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A treaty is an agreement made between two countries in order to prevent war from occurring. A treaty is presented during a war to stop the war from carrying on. Countries come to an agreement for a peace settlement, so that a long term peace can be established. A treaty should be fair so that all counties can agree and no one country feels as if it has no power as this can lead to anger and wanting revenge.


  • What were the motives and the aims of the big three and the Versailes?
  • Why was it so difficult to make a peace settlement which would please everyone?
  • How ere the important decisions made during the peace conference?
  • What were the main differences in the aims of the ‘Big three’?
  • Why did all the Victors not get everything they wanted?
  • Conclusion

What were the motives and aims of the ‘Big three’ and Versailles?

The big three were France, Britain and America. They were represented by:

All of the ‘Big three’ had different aims. Clemenceau wanted to punish Germany hard enough to keep France safe and Lloyd George didn’t want to punish Germany harshly but still wanted them to pay for reparations. Wilson however wanted to be generous, to stop wars from happening again.

        This is understandable because France and Britain both suffered however America did not suffer in the same way. Prime ministers George Clemenceau and David Lloyd George also needed to meet the views of their people in France and Britain; in order to stay in the government.

President Wilson had come up with ‘14 points’ for the peace agreement. The allies however refused to agree with these ’14 points’ because the Germans had already rejected them before.

’14 points’

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  1. No secret treaties
  2. Free access to the sea for all
  3. Disarmament by all countries
  4. Free trade between countries
  5. Colonies to have a say in their own future
  6. Russia to be free of German troops
  7. Belgium to be independent
  8. Alsace Lorraine to go to France
  9. New frontier between Austria and Italy
  10. Self determination for people of Eastern Europe
  11. Serbia to have access to sea
  12. Self determination for people in Turkish Empire
  13. Poland to be independent with access to the sea
  14. League of Nations to settle disputes

All of the three great powers had their own opinions for ...

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