Treaty of Versailles
Background Information
The events surrounding the Treaty of Versailles are well known to most people interested in the Great War, or in any kind of history. However, like many well known events, the Treaty is the subject of a surprising amount of heated academic debate. This issue centres on the vexed question of just how fair or unfair the Treaty was supposed to be.
World War I - Treaty of Versailles
In the peace settlement Germany was forced to accept sole
responsibility for causing World War I. This was a totally
justifiable demand on the part of the victorious powers. The Treaty of
Versailles was enacted into history in June 1919 with Germany forced
to accept sole responsibility for causing World War I. Since then
there has been considerable debate concerning the war but even today
historians still cannot fully agree upon the causes. Some support has
been given to the theory that Germany was totally responsible for the
war however substantial evidence does not support that view.
Therefore the insistence by the victorious powers to include in the
Treaty that Germany accept total blame cannot be justified. This
essay examines certain events and actions prior to the July crisis.
These caused tension and hostility among nations but did not have a
direct bearing upon the war. Also it has been determined that there
were decisions and courses of action taken by several nations
following the assassination of Franz Ferdinand heir to the
Austrian-Hungarian throne which did have a direct bearing upon World
War I.
Development of political and military alliances caused tension
and hostility among nations leading up to World War I. Two major
alliance systems developed due to conflicting national interests
which had been evident during the past two decades throughout Europe.
Background Information
The events surrounding the Treaty of Versailles are well known to most people interested in the Great War, or in any kind of history. However, like many well known events, the Treaty is the subject of a surprising amount of heated academic debate. This issue centres on the vexed question of just how fair or unfair the Treaty was supposed to be.
World War I - Treaty of Versailles
In the peace settlement Germany was forced to accept sole
responsibility for causing World War I. This was a totally
justifiable demand on the part of the victorious powers. The Treaty of
Versailles was enacted into history in June 1919 with Germany forced
to accept sole responsibility for causing World War I. Since then
there has been considerable debate concerning the war but even today
historians still cannot fully agree upon the causes. Some support has
been given to the theory that Germany was totally responsible for the
war however substantial evidence does not support that view.
Therefore the insistence by the victorious powers to include in the
Treaty that Germany accept total blame cannot be justified. This
essay examines certain events and actions prior to the July crisis.
These caused tension and hostility among nations but did not have a
direct bearing upon the war. Also it has been determined that there
were decisions and courses of action taken by several nations
following the assassination of Franz Ferdinand heir to the
Austrian-Hungarian throne which did have a direct bearing upon World
War I.
Development of political and military alliances caused tension
and hostility among nations leading up to World War I. Two major
alliance systems developed due to conflicting national interests
which had been evident during the past two decades throughout Europe.