To What Extent Was Nazi Germany To Blame For The Outbreak Of World War II

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To What Extent Was Nazi Germany To Blame For The Outbreak Of World War II

Some people think that Nazi Germany was to blame for World War II. However other people believe that there were other factors involved. These were factors like the American isolation and the treaty of Versailles. Overall I think that Nazi Germany was mostly to blame for starting World War II. Within this essay I am going to explain why historians have come to different conclusions and why I think that Nazi Germany was mostly to blame

Many historians think Hitler was to blame for the outbreak of World War II. He broke the treaty of Versailles many times which many historians think was key in the build up to WW II. One of the first things he did was to order German troops into the Rhineland breaking the treaty of Versailles. This angered the French who had been promised the Rhineland for 15 years by the League of Nations. Hitler also began to build up his army and a lot of money was spent on new and advanced weaponry. This also broke the treaty of Versailles but perhaps more importantly it made the Allies nervous that Germany was becoming a major military power. Hitler then went on to make an Anschlush with Austria breaking the treaty once more. This also made the Allies continually nervous as the Germans became more and more powerful. Hitler became increasing confident and ordered the invasion of Czechoslovakia which broke the treaty again. This angered Britain and France and they warned that if Hitler invaded another country they would declare war on Germany. The final straw was when Hitler walked into Poland unchallenged and seized control. Britain and France kept their promise and declared war on Nazi Germany simultaneously.

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Many historians think that appeasement and the League of Nations played a major part in the start of World War II. Appeasement was a policy which some countries followed in the build up to World War II. It is when a country gives into the demands of a hostile country in order to keep the peace. It can also involve countries turning a blind eye to some things to keep the peace. Britain largely followed the policy of appeasement and let Germany get away with a number of actions. They let Germany get away with as much as they ...

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