To What Extent Was The American Economy Booming In The Period 1917 - 1928

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To What Extent Was The American Economy Booming In The Period 1917 - 1928?

America became a whole different country after the First World War. The 1920's in America will always be remembered for the boom in economy.

Most of the American people were living a great life and were able to afford luxury items, even though this didn't apply to every one, many believed that it was an exciting time of great opportunities.

The hours you would work in a week had dropped from 60 to 48 hours. For the first time, the Americans considered having fun just as important as work. Huge numbers of people had radios went to the movies and owned a car.

The car and transport industry was the largest. The assembly line made mass production possible, and the industry boomed. "The Economic Boom". America was now a very powerful country and most countries wanted to follow them.
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Henry Ford's assembly line in Detroit was the largest one in the country. After he made his first car(black Model-T), almost everybody in the United States had one. Three quarters of all families owned one. Using the assembly line, they made a lot more cars in one day than they used to. Instead of paying for the cars with cash, people could now use credit to purchase items. Finance became a way of getting easy money. Since most families didn't have the money, they would buy the car with credit and pay off the money they owed later ...

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