Was the popularity of the Nazis in Germany in the late 1930s due to the success of economic policy

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Was the popularity of the Nazis in Germany in the late

1930s due to the success of economic


Much of the popularity of the Nazis was certainly due to the success of economic policies such as rearmament, thousands of government marks spent on construction and Hitler’s drive to achieve autarky. All these policies created jobs and by the late 1930s unemployment was down to quarter of a million. This pleased people and greatly boosted the Nazis’ popularity.

        Effective law and order was another of the policies that impressed Germans of the time, ‘everyone was honest’. The crime rate fell by over 25% between 1932 and 1937. It was said that you could leave the door unlocked or park your car with the key inside, you could leave your washing out without the fear of having it stolen. The drop in crime was due to the reduction in poverty, which was because of the fall in unemployment and however harsh, policing also helped.

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        People took pride in being German, pride in the engineering and technical achievements of the time, such as new aircraft, roads and public buildings, which were under construction. The success with which Hitler revitalized the German economy helped popularise the Nazis with many people, even those who earlier had voted for other political parties.

        An organization was set up to provide leisure facilities for workers, it was known as the KDF. It provided cheap cruises and foreign holidays, it built spas and resorts and booked seats for workers at the theatre and opera. Volkswagen was also an organization of the ...

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