What caused the economic boom in the 1920s in the USA?

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What caused the economic boom in the 1920’s, in the Us?

America’s industrial strength was a big factor for why America saw an economic boom in the 1920’s. There industrial strength increased so significantly due to the following reasons: America never joined the League of Nations and they resumed in isolationism. This has major consequences for Europe as during the First World War, America refused to join but instead traded with colonial powers.

This was the reason for why America joined the war until 1917 because the war gave an opportunity for a high demand of resources to be needed. America had these resources, so took advantage of the situation. US businesses had sold armaments and food to Britain and France. The USA was able to export to areas in the world controlled by European colonial countries whilst those countries were totally focused on the war. By the end of the war, the USA had overtaken Germany in the supply of chemical products. US businesses also took the opportunity to develop new materials using plastics. The old European industrial countries took time in the 1920’s to refocus on international trade, and then found that the USA had captured some of their markets. By 1922, America had ended the ‘free-trade’ policy and introduced the Fordney-McCumber tariff of 1922. This meant that they were protecting there own industries and businesses by putting high taxes on foreign goods coming into the US whilst not putting taxes on their own products. European countries retaliated by putting tariffs on American made goods but infact had very little impact on the American economy because internally they were doing so well.

 The main turning point of the boom was the First World War and American Isolation. In the First World War America lent millions of pounds to countries like Britain they would then be paid back with interest on top of the original money. America also exported many of its good and products such as munitions and natural resources which it had lots of to Britain and France. This was a one way trade system and it gave a real boost to American industry. America got rich while the European countries were busy fighting. America took over British and French markets. America also took over German markets, before the war Germany was the world’s largest chemical producer of dyes and fertilizer however after the war the USA had replaced Germany of this title. America was only able to do all these things as the country was rich and full of resources. America did not suffer any damages in the war (apart from loss of military lives) whereas it’s business rivals such as Britain suffered hugely.

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American industrial strength became so successful when mass production was then introduced. An example of this would be Ford motors. Instead of a Model T taking 14 hours to make, it now took 93 minutes. Aswell as there being a high supply of products now you would still need the consumer to be able to afford them, but due to economy of scale the price of each individual car decreased by $760 from 1909 to 1928. This was revolutionary to the people of America as they were now more available to the America man, by 1925 an average paid ...

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