Why were the major cities of Britain bombed by the Germanys in 1940 - 1941?

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Josh Day

The Blitz

1. Why were the major cities of Britain bombed by the Germanys in 1940 - 1941?

        The major cities of Britain were bombed because of many reasons. The Germans main aim was to lower the morale of the British population. They also wanted to disrupt the British transport and all of its major industries. Also Hitler bombed the British cities because of their failure at the battle of Britain.

On August the 20th 1940 Hitler launched a massive air assault on the British and lost the direct air fight but because he had great pride in his air force he wasn’t going to give up that easily. Initially it was quite easy for the Germans to whittle down the British fighter numbers as it only took them five minutes to fly across the channel to Britain but it took the RAF fifteen minutes to get up high enough to fight with the German planes. Then on august 13th 1940 “Eagle Day” fourteen hundred German plains flew over the channel in the biggest air attack ever on Britain. The Germans managed to take out forty-six British fighters in one raid. Furthermore the British navy prevented a German invasion fleet from building up and no invasion could have proceeded with out air control over the British skies and the Germans never totally established this. This forced Hitler to concede on September 14th that the Germans were not in a superior enough position to invade and he delayed the invasion inevitably.

Then the Germans changed their plan and started nighttime bombing raids on England. Germany had used similar tactic before during the Spanish Civil War. The Germans had intervened on the fascist side and bombed Guernica. This convinced Hitler and many others in Europe that a civilian population could be bombed into submission or pressured into negotiating with the enemy. Hitler thought that if he kept up the bombing of Britain the government would be forced to surrender because of the pressure on the government by the public.

On the first night of bombing London’s anti-aircraft defences fired 140,000 shells and none of them hit a German plane. Every night in the months to follow the Germans sent one hundred and sixty bombers to Britain. The Germans knew almost all British planes couldn’t fly at night so the Germans had practically no opposition. This proved to Hitler that this plan was working so he continued with it. Because of this he started to get bolder with his air raids. So Hitler decided to bomb Britain during the day. This turned out to be a big mistake by the Germans as every RAF fighter plane was in the skies waiting for them. It was Hitler biggest air raid yet but with the fighters in the air London held the line. Hitler lost 59 planes on that attack, which meant he could not keep up daylight bombing with those kinds of losses. So the night time bombing raids began again. These raids shattered the morale of the British public and this was Hitler main aim. This worked so well as in one raid on October the 15th 1940 four hundred bombers were sent to Britain and caused one thousand fires with four hundred killed and nine hundred injured.

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Hitler also wanted to disrupt the British industry and the Luftwaffe tried to hit certain targets, Britain’s major cities, docks, railway lines, power stations and weapons factories. This was not very successful due to technology which precluded precision bombing but hit the people living in the areas that were badly hit.

The German high commands disagreed with each other on the plan of attack and there was a lot of confusion among the German ranks. This is why the Germans didn’t even have a coherent invasion plan for Britain at the time, Britain was an island it would be very ...

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