Create a homepage and at least three linked pages about a band.

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Brief: - I choose to the new media brief, which was to create a homepage and at least three linked pages about a band.


The Internet is the largest and fastest growing source of information. There are thousands of web pages, some personal and others professional. All the leading shops and companies have web pages. When designing my own web site I must take into account the influence that web pages have over their visitors and the power web sites can have to put a message across, or to build up an image of what the site represents. I must also take into account the conventions of website design and how they interact with their target audiences.

I am working alone so that I can experience all the elements of web creation and to keep all areas of the web site in one style.

I have researched already existing sites relevant to the creation of my own. In order to establish product conventions I have completed several radial analyses, and I’ve found there are many components used to create a web site, which will determine whether the site is a success or not.

Colour is a major factor; web sites use colour to build up an image of its owner, in this case rock and metal bands. Popular colours used by bands like Metallica and Iron Maiden are black, white and red. All these colours imply masculinity, simplicity, boldness, dominance, danger and power.

Another powerful medium used predominantly in web sites is slogans or logos. Logos are usually based around the band’s name. A lot of bands use a very large and bold slogan, but normally each slogan has its own unique font, often the font associated with the band. Again slogans use mainly black, white and red coloured fonts. It appears that in most sites the slogan presents the band’s name and reinforces the image that comes with it.

Other techniques and conventions are explained in Appendix 1 and Appendix 4.

I think you could pick up on another couple of conventions, e.g. image denotation and connotation and language. What you write about the above two is very good, but as an examiner, I wouldn’t be convinced that you understood conventions of design through this alone.

Taking all the techniques and conventions and harnessing their powers of influence to guarantee success and to develop the desired image from the web site while keeping the site interesting, appealing and fun, which is my main challenge in this project.

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Using secondary and primary research I have narrowed down my target audience. This means I am now able to target my audience more specifically.

Part of my secondary research is using audience theories to help identify my audience. One theory by Burton suggests socially and media grouped audiences. Using this, my web site needs to only target Internet users who are rock or metal fans. This would be the target audience as a media group.

Also using Hartley’s theory of seven subjectives I can identify more specific groups of people. I can do this ...

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