"Investigate how ICT affects my life in a school, home, work and personal situation."
Unit 3 - Topic 1: ICT in Society "Investigate how ICT affects my life in a school, home, work and personal situation." ICT is used in many different ways in day to day life and everyone uses it in some form. In my report I will talk about how people use them and how some of them work. Also I will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of using ICT. Home School Personal Social Personal Social Telephone-directory enquiry Internet-Email/MSN Internet-research individually Internet-research/Spanish work in pairs DVD-Watch Films Digital camera-take pictures of family and friends Mobile Phone-play games at break T.V-videos in class Internet-Play Games PS2-Play games with my brother Scientific Calculator-in maths Mobile Phone to contact parents in an emergency CD Player-listen to music MP3-listen to music with my friends when they come around DVD Player - To watch DVD's in class PC-homework e.g. research Minidisk player-play music at a party Digital Camcorder - to record us doing talks in English TV-Watching it on my own Mobile-texting and calling mates MP3-listen to music when travelling or when out Web cam-to chat to mates over the internet Scanner-scan in pictures Sky digital-internet TV-to play games on Playjam Home I usually use the telephone at home to ring up my friends. Social reasons for ringing up my friends are that we may want to
One to one Interaction - Bebington Day Care Centre
One to one Interaction Bebington Day Care Centre My assignment is based on my weeks work experience at Bebington Day Care Centre, who specialises with disabled adults with physical disabilities. There are staff and volunteers at the centre who are there to meet their client's emotional and physical needs. During my time at the day care centre, I communicated with many different people in a variety of ways. However my assignment is based on one formal interaction with one of their service users. The client that I carried out my interview with was a woman; I have called Mary, although this isn't her actual name. I changed the clients name for confidentiality reasons. As the principal of confidentiality plays a vital part in establishing and maintaining trust on which effective care relationships depend on. Therefore throughout this interaction with Mary I will be taking into consideration that confidentiality will be maintained at all times, to protect their client. Mary is 26 years old, and attends their centre because she is confined to a wheelchair, and suffers from learning difficulties. To enable me to carry out this interaction, my two aims were to build a relationship with Mary, and to test and analyse my communication skills and to observe Mary's. During their interaction I understood that effective communication is important, and whilst I was having a
I have been commissioned by a market research company to analyse the popularity of computer games with the teenage market.
Modelling assignment. I have been commissioned by a market research company to analyse the popularity of computer games with the teenage market. The market research company requires a list of games, the name of the console, price of the game and the rating of each game (from1-10). To complete this assignment I will be required to complete some research into the games and their popularity with the teenage audience. I will then use the information that I have compiled to perform some calculations. Transferring data I am going to extract data from the database, which I made previously as part of my database assignment. I will extract the data by creating a query. This is a screen dump of the query in Access. This is the data that I extracted from the table in Access and saved as a spreadsheet. The reason why I moved the data was so that I would be able to use Excel and the data collected in order to do some calculations and create charts. Setting up the spreadsheet I formatted the spreadsheet by changing the font used in the spreadsheet to Palatino Linotype, changing the headings so that they are now in bold. I also formatted all of the columns so that the information in them would be able to fit into them and I formatted the column 'Price' so that all of the data that is entered into it will be currency, and will have a £ sign in front of it and the data will
Online Marketing
eBusiness / Kmart Analysis Online Marketing Marketing businesses, products and services has become much more complex with the introduction of the internet. In this paper I will attempt to describe the effect of e-business on marketing strategies today, as well as describe the e-business marketing strategies utilized by Kmart, Inc. The internet is an enormous environment that is advancing and developing at a very erratic pace, and only companies able to adapt will survive. The World Wide Web provides a medium that breaks through geographical boundaries, allows the customer much more control, and has no time restrictions as it is always "open". According to an article by Dr. Ralph F. Wilson, Niche Marketing on the Web, there are three important steps to marketing on the internet; (1) profile your customers, (2) decide where they congregate, and (3) communicate the message where they congregate in a net-acceptable manner (Wilson, 1996). Bluelight.com, Kmart's e-commerce site launched in 1999, is a shining example of this philosophy, having accumulated over 3.5 million customers in less than one year. Although Kmart had an obvious advantage with a n existing strong customer base, these shoppers were not internet customers. In an effort to establish a web based customer segment, they targeted these existing customers by placing Bluelight.com CD ROM's which provided
Flight Spreadsheet Report. The task we had to complete was to find prices of flights to Belfast from London (with return flight) and compare the prices in a spreadsheet document.
Flight Spreadsheet Report Introduction The task we had to complete was to find prices of flights to Belfast from London (with return flight) and compare the prices in a spreadsheet document. This was so the class could pay the least price for the flights to and from Belfast Choice of ICT Application I chose Microsoft Office's Excel to complete the task with because it is comparably user friendly to competitors and it is an easily accessible piece of software that the school has already bought for me to use. I also used Internet Explorer in order to research the airlines and find prices. Information Sources Used I found information, including the prices that I used in the second spread sheet, on the airline's websites: Flybe.com, Flybmi.com and Easyjet.com. Below are the screenshots of the websites I used. Results of the Investigation The cheapest airline surveyed, according to my spread sheet, is Easyjet who offer the flights for £2638.9. This is because, as advertised, they offered no cost to the passenger, only the taxes had to be paid. We did not include any group discounts to any airlines as it was not advertised on the website. The spread sheet can be viewed here. How ICT was used to find a solution Without the internet, we would have to ring up the airline or even go to an airport or travel agent in order to book a flight. In Microsoft Excel, we set up the
the impacts of ICT
.3 Life in the Information Age ICT has changed the way we live our lives. It affects everyone from professionals to working class people. ICT has created a different lifestyle for students, professionals, social life personal/everyday life. ICT can become a way of earning money to just being a source of entertainment. I will discuss the impacts of ICT through: * Entertainment and Leisure * Communication * Education * Banking and Shopping * Employment Opportunities Entertainment and Leisure We will look at way in which the way we entertain ourselves has changed. Music ICT takes part enormously when it comes to entertainment and leisure. Music used to be played in large black discs which would spin 45 laps per minuite. CDs finally came in the 90's. CD's in the early 90's could not be copied. CD-RW did not exist then so everybody would buy original copies of CD's, which was good for music industries, because to get hold of music you would have to buy the CD. The CD-RW was invented in the late 90's and everyone copied CD's and began to sell them for cheaper prices than original CDs. Economy for music industries went on a downfall. By then the Internet was something worth a lot and not many people had it. You could then share music with people all over the world through the Internet and then put it on CD. So we can see how ICT was having an impact on music. MP3 Players
"E-signature" Sign Your Name on Internet.
Sign Your Name on Internet "E-signature" Sign Your Name on Internet. Haw Hsin Yang Rutgers University-Camden Introduction In the past decade, human beings have been experiencing an unprecedented and radical technological change, especially in business solutions brought by the rapid popularity and the widespread applications of Internet. On one hand, Internet does create a lot of benefits that we've never had before; on the other hand, what comes together is a number of unexpected challenges. One of the most rigorous challenges is Internet fraud. The amount of money consumers are losing to Internet fraud is obviously increasing. According to the IFCC (Internet Fraud Complaint Center) 2002 Internet Fraud Report, from January 1, 2002 to December 31, 2002, the IFCC Web site received 75,063 complaints. This amount includes many different kinds of complaints, such as auction fraud, credit/debit card fraud, computer intrusions, SPAM mails, and child pornography. Meanwhile, IFCC has filed 48,252 complaints as fraudulent cases, and this number also means a three-fold increase from the previous year. The total dollar loss from all referred cases of fraud was dramatically increased, from$17 million in 2001 to $54 million in 2002, with a median dollar loss of $299 per complaint. (IFCC 2002 Internet Fraud Report [EPA], 2002) Overview In addition, it is believed that a lot of
ICT Ao1 Hardware
Hardware Review Table For My System (AO1b) You must fill-in a hardware review table for each piece of hardware in your sub-system. This is to include ALL input, processing and output devices for each sub-system. Sub-system name. Million Air Database Printer Laser Explain what this device is used for. Printing out work onto paper Is this an Input, process or Output device? Output Details of Hardware Item I Will Use: Description of the actual hardware device I will use. A box shaped appliance that prints instructed materials. Uses a toner. Here is a picture of this device Advantages of using this device. Faster and better quality than other printers. Disadvantages of using this device. Expensive to replace. Other hardware that I could have used instead of this one are described on the next page. Another Hardware Device I Could Have Used Instead Device Name: Printer An alternative hardware device I could have used is... Inkjet Here is a picture of this device Description of this device Box shaped and prints out by heating ink. If I had used this device, the advantages would have been... Cheap to buy. Cartridges cost less. If I had used this device, the disadvantages would have been... Noisier than a laser printer. Colour printing can be extremely slow. Contrast and compare chosen device to alternative Device Name: Printer Both the printers are
Computer Crime and the Law.
Computer Crime and the Law (Covers Chapters 10-11 Heathcote) Crimes and abuse New technologies = new opportunities for crime The Internet is used by: > Fraudulent traders > Paedophiles > Software pirates > terrorists Task: For each of the above give an example of how the Internet is used > Fraudulent traders-The trader uses the internet to take money off customers. The buyer pays money and expects a product or a download, but instead get a persistant fault, which means the software arrives scrambled or it is not transmitted at all. > Paedophiles-Use chat rooms, or other ways of sending messages, (e.g. hotmail), to talk to young children, and pretend they are their age. > Software pirates-People can download priate copy software, games, music and new films off the intenet. > Terrorists-Terrorists use the internet to email one another, or to make websites about their terrorists acts, to attract more terrorists. There are other crimes that can be committed in the IT world: > Hacking > Planting viruses > Theft of money > Theft of data > Software piracy Task: use the internet to research into the meanings of each of the above crimes and for each, give a description and an example. Useful sites are: www.webopedia.com www.howstuffworks.com > Hacking-Unauthorised access to data on a computer system. For example, logging into someone elses bank account, and
Unit 2D Evaluation Evaluation for the system created Looking back at my tables, I think that the layout was most appropriate for the purpose
Evaluation for the system created Looking back at my tables, I think that the layout was most appropriate for the purpose because I feel that the final result is fantastic. I managed to put in all the information that I think was required. Although, I think that if I had had more time to design the tables, I think my tables would look more aesthetically pleasing to the eye. As looking at my tables, I have realised that all of them look plain. When I started putting the data into the tables, I found out that some of the boxes had a limited number of characters that could be input, and for some categories, I needed to put in more information. If I could have designed the tables again, I probably would have added a bigger allowance of characters so that I could easily write full length descriptors. I did not find anything I had done using the tables easy, because I found them straight forward, and easy to manage. Working with the joining tables was easy because all we had to do was go through a set up wizard that guided us through what we needed to do. Without the step by step wizard, I think this task would have been rather difficult. For my coursework, I have done standard letters which is the promotional letter and also the renewal. I am happy with my renewal and promotional letters because using mail merge, I think that my letters both look legitimate because the