Creating a travel planning ICT system

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Year 11 project

Background knowledge

In this project I will be creating a system to help plan the costs, amount of people and which people are going on the overnight trip.

Here you will be taking the role of Sana, who is helping her French teacher (Mr Campbell) work out the costs of the week long French trip as he was experiencing some difficulty.

On a day to day basis Mr Campbell has to create a letter about parent evenings for the trip, permission slips, dietary and medical requirements and remaining money. He also needs to work out the total in goings and total outgoings and make sure that the school doesn’t make a loss but doesn’t need to make a profit. He will also need to create a record of data about which pupils are going and aren’t going and how we will put this in and use this to help create letters

As Mr Campbell was experiencing some difficulty working out the costs using a calculator and paper and you had suggested that you would create a system that helps him work out the cost very easily and is a very user friendly design (maybe a user guide to help those who find this system hard and need some help) and you should ensure that anybody with little knowledge of computers is able to change certain amounts e.g. amount of people to see how this affects the overall costs. Sana has also offered to create a system in which Mr Campbell can enter a pupil’s data, how much they have paid (deposit and other monies) and if he/her has brought in the reply slip, this system must also be able search within this data and pick out what you are asking to see. As well as creating a system that does this you must create a system that links to the list of names and using the information that you have searched for I should be able to create a letter to be sent to parents about reply slips, remaining money etc.

My user for this system is Mr Campbell and Mrs Mccloud and could be the deputy head, head teacher etc. As anyone who needs to know how many people will be missing school and how long for, other teachers will need this information to ensure that all important work is given before and after (this information could be presented in queries or reports). Many people will need to access this record or receive information about the trip so I should be able to send out pieces to teachers e.g. form, lesson etc about which dates will be missed.

        At the moment the business is run by Mr Campbell and he runs it by collecting information from letters and from pupils then writing it down into a log book but this way is too long and too hard so I will be creating a system which will significantly decrease the amount of time wasted by sifting through handwritten data.

Sub problems involved

        In this task there are 4 different sub-problems within the system they are shown on the next page in the diagram with the problem being at the top and the sub problems being shown below and also how these sub problems are linked shown on the diagram.

        My first sub problem is my costing sheet which will work out all the separate and total costs of the trip. For this sub problem I could use Microsoft word and Microsoft excel. There are advantages and disadvantages of all of these problems and there are all listed below these will all help me to decide which would be the best method of working out these costs. I have chosen these two programs because in each one I can create tables.

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Different methods of tackling the problem

In Microsoft word I can

  • Create a table
  • Merge cells
  • Change the page layout (portrait and landscape)
  • Change the background colour of the cells
  • Change the text colour of the cells
  • Change the justification of the cells
  • Make cells bold, italic or underlined
  • Auto fit the cells
  • I can sort the data
  • I can add formulas
  • Use a table auto format

But using Microsoft word also has its disadvantages

  • Harder to change formulas
  • Harder to use
  • If something needed to be changed if would be harder for ...

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