Evaluation of a membership card design

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  • If Mr Patel wanted he can put a photo of the member on the membership card

I left a space on the membership card for Mr Patel to stick on a photo for the member if he wishes to do this, he can stick a passport size photo of the member.

  • The membership card must look bright

I have met this by using very bright colours to make the membership card, I have used light blue to make the membership card look bright, this makes the membership card stand out.

  • The membership card must look attractive

I have met this by adding colour on the membership card, I have used bright colours and made the font size big, so that the membership card stands out and looks attractive.

  • The title, Member name, Member ID, logo and the must be on the membership card

I have met this by adding the fields for the title, First name, surname and member ID on the membership card and by adding the logo on the membership card.

  • The system must be made in a way that the details of the members are inputted automatically on the membership card

I have met this by using the fields from the members table, and put them on the membership card, by doing this the system will automatically input the details on the membership card, when the phone number of the member is entered

  • The members table should be linked to the loans table in order to link the loans with the members.

I have done this as the loans table and members table are linked together through relationships in Microsoft access, so that all the information in different databases can be searched in one query.

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  • Some of the fields in the tables must be validated in order to accept reasonable or valid data.

I have met this by validating some of the fields, so if a user enters invalid data an error message will come up on eh screen telling the user that invalid data is entered.

  • The Member ID field must be the key field.

I have met this by making the Member ID field the fey field, and I have made this field as an auto number so that the number will be computer generated, so that nothing else can be entered in ...

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