ICT - Specification.

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1. Specification

1.1 Introduction

Miss Harvey owns a Taxi & Limousine firm and wants to keep a breakdown of the income from each driver and calculate her total income.  She needs to calculate each driver’s weekly wage plus any bonuses or commission.  She earns a percentage of the total income of all of her drivers.  The firm consists of 20 drivers and each driver has their own car.  Their rates charged are related to the quality of their car - it’s age, prestige etc., and the limousine drivers demanding the highest rates. Through my research I feel that the introduction of a system on a computer would make it easier for Miss Harvey to work out each driver’s weekly wage and any bonuses they have earned. Hopefully the new system will reduce the amount of paper they use at the moment.

1.2 Current System

At the moment a calculator does all calculations and the wages of each driver is written down on paper and then stored. They have a piece with all the cars and how much it costs to hire them. This is used to determine how much the driver is likely to get paid. The miles covered and days on duty are also written down and the driver’s income is based on how many days he/she worked and how many miles they had covered.  

      A copy of the calculations is written down to give to each driver and one is stored in the company’s office for monthly figures. The Boss’ income is based on all the tax that has been deducted from each driver altogether. So if the total tax for one month is £432.89 then that would also be the boss’ monthly wage. However because the monthly tax varies, then so will the Boss’. The final calculations are done by one person and are all kept in a book, which is stored in the office. At the moment there are 20 drivers but if the company want to expand then there would be a problem with storing all pieces of paper and there might be some mistakes in the calculations.  

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1.3 Problems with the current system

Ms Harvey is concerned that all manual calculations will lead to mistakes being made. This can give drivers more or less money than they actually deserve and Ms Harvey’s wage will not be accurate. As well as accuracy there might be a problem with storing all of the data, as time goes by the amount of paper will double and there might be a problem with looking back at months if it’s all in one pile. For example if there was a mistake made in the month of January then it would take ...

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