If the IT industry is such a big business why do so many dot-coms fail?

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Retesh Veja

If the IT industry is such a big business why do so many dot-coms fail?

You can do almost any thing on the Internet; shop, bank, search for information, chat to other people and more. So there is a big business out there to make big cash! Why do so many businesses try out on the web?

Large number of internet users

The number of people using the web is increasing each day because it's quicker and easier to do everyday tasks. So businesses think a lot more people are going to pass their sites on the web than there shop window.


It's cheaper to set a web page than a shop because of the rents, the electric and heating bills, furniture and you would need fewer employees.

More efficient

You could down load your orders on a database each day and send it off to a supplier and they can deliver direct this way you don't have to stock lots of products and there would be no wastage.

95 percent of dot-com businesses fail. So what is the cause of so many failures? These five factors cover the main reasons.
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. The Wrong Marketing Mindset

Letting your customers know that you exist is very important because people don't walk in and out a web page like they do in a shop. You need a good name so everyone will remember it. Marketing an on line business is not as easy as putting signs in the local paper and the Yellow Pages or handing out flyers and waiting for people to word your business forward. The web is a whole new game with different rules. Your advertising must be designed to catch and hold the consumer's attention as ...

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The layout of a box, and further text underneath is quite muddled up. The report should simply contain an Introduction, and then the report underneath within a logical order. The box at the top of the report, should be removed.

The bullet point 1, states how search engines can be used to promote websites. However for high marks the report should mention the services that there can use. For example the report could state 'Websites could use Google Adwords, to create an advertisement which would be display on their search results'. In addition, the report could include a screenshot to show what this web page looks like, and explain the process of placing an advert on Google's search listings. Point 4, is quite good, as this address the necessary points. However for high marks, the report would need to explain why some products do not suit the internet. For example the report could include 'Consumer's will use the internet for a number of products, however business's which cannot adapt to the market (such as a restaurant), will have a website but not sell their service, as this is a service which their sell and not a product.'. This would justify their background understanding, by explaining why some business will not be able to conduct business on-line.

In summary, the five different points are quite good, as this address the title question. However some of the background understanding could be improved and developed further to achieve high marks. The report states 'is big business out there', however this is an opinion only. The report will need to mention the number of billions the market is worth, to allow the examiner to understand what the IT market is worth. In addition, it may be useful comparing this to other markets and stating the % of IT services within the economy. Point 3, of the report is quite good. This is due to that there have included an example of a area which could led to a website loosing consumer's. This allows the examiner to understand what there mean by using an example of what might go wrong within a website.