IT investigative process

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The project that I’m developing promotes tourism in Colombia. Nevertheless, it is not an easy task; Colombia has earned itself a bad fame due to a series of problems in the country (particularly violence related). For almost the last half a centaury terrorists groups such as the F.A.R.C and paramilitary groups have stirred up violence throughout the country. These groups are mainly financed by the selling of drugs, another topic that hasn’t contributed to Colombia’s positive image. This project aims to convince outsiders that Colombia isn’t quite what it’s made out to be, it is these positive characteristics of the country that I intend to make clear. So, why is attracting tourists to Colombia so important for the country? Firstly, it helps restore Colombia’s positive image and secondly the government benefits by attracting foreign visitors to the country. This is because these foreigners go back to their home country with an approving notion of Colombia. This in turn will help construct a cycle that in which more visitors will travel to the country thus stimulating the country’s touristic sector in the economy.

A growing touristic sector will also help develop other services in the country. For example, restaurants, public transport and accommodation will receive more money from outsiders and so be able to improve their quality of service. Also, Colombia’s government by receiving money from tourism can work on improving the country by using this money to aid the neutralization of violence and the fight against poverty among others.

This allows us to conclude that tourism is indeed very important for Colombia now more than ever. With Colombia’s recent improvement in terms of security, other countries are no starting to look at Colombia as an option for touristic visiting. It is important to encourage this new view towards Colombia since it may help to stimulate tourism in the country and so bring along with it a variety of opportunities which will help Colombia improve.

Design Brief

I plan to produce a video game that should be both interesting and entertaining to the player and above all aimed to give a positive impression of Colombia. This leads me to a question: what aspect/s of Colombia are appropriate for this sort of project? In my opinion, One of Colombia’s most notable positive traits are its natural paradises, this should probably be the theme of the project. I’ll refer to these in my project, using them as the basis for my videogame.

As I mentioned previously in my design brief, the characteristics which produce a positive image of Colombia are most probably the country’s natural paradises, and therefore are the ones that deserve to be investigated.

What makes Colombia such an excellent option for tourism is the variety of natural regions that it has. It is divided into five main regions:

  1. The Caribbean Region: This is the region to the north of Colombia characterized by the empty golden beaches, the semi-arid area in the Gulf of Guajira and The Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta-the highest mountain peak in the world next to an ocean.
  2. The Andean Region: This region is divided into three almost parallel mountain chains where the different altitudes give life to an enormous amount of plant and animal species.
  3. Pacific Region: This region contains dense jungles with very high quantities of rain and diverse vegetation. The sea just off the pacific coast has an amazing marine biodiversity and has some key spots for divers.
  4. The Orinoquia Region: also referred to as the eastern plains, it is an enormous savannah with unique vegetation and wildlife.
  5. The Amazon region: Known for its incredible biodiversity, just one square kilometer of jungle houses a greater variety of species than the whole of Europe.
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The main tourist attractions in the country are: Old Providence and Santa Catalina, San Andres, Caparguna and Sapzurro, Bahia Solano, Nuqui, Quibdo, Leticia, and Natural reserves like Gorgona, Los Nevados and El Cocuy Nation Natural Parks.

An extensive search on Colombia’s natural paradises is not necessary for this project since all that I need for the game are images. Consequently, a simple list of important places will suffice to be able to search for photos.

The other information that I require to be able to produce a successful final product is information on how to manage the ...

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