This project is designed to help non-computerized library to easily keep track of their books and their members demand in more effectual way.

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System analysis is one of the best tools librarians and information will find tackling problems, yet it is often perceived as being difficult, mysterious and intimidating to non-technical minded. This project demystifies this interesting subject and help students to design practical solution to common problems encountered increasingly complex work environments. By systematically gathering information about problems using this information to make improvements student will gain the skills and confidence necessary to approach real life progressing head on.  

         This project is designed to help non-computerized library to easily keep track of their books and their members demand in more effectual way.

        Thus, I felt it useful to develop my project based on these libraries so that this project maybe able to develop them to face the up coming challenges.

        This project will clearly display my knowledge in computing and my talent in programming.




Balin City library was developed in 1975. The library lending system at Blain City Library is not a very longley established one. it has books with a collection of approximately 1400-15000 books. This library has had fine reputation throughout the past 25 years but has lost much of its credibility due to the adequate method of lending the books. A manual booking system involving the filling of the cards and placing them in issue trays is currently being used. The books are predictably misled due to the inefficient borrowing system.  This library opens from 8:00a.m to 11:00p.m

However, in the past 6 months the number of Balin City Library has increased significantly and the existing system can not accommodate with the increased workload. This library provides books to only its members and they can not issue more than three books.


  • The system must be easy to use.
  • To provide quality service in the library for the maintenance of members loyalty.
  • To create jobs for the unemployed.
  • To be socially responsible in conducting the business
  • To provide pollution free environment
  • To obey the laws of the country.
  • Providing a wide verity of books for the member’s satisfaction.
  • Promotion of better communication between librarian and the library member.
  • The system must be easy to use.
  • The librarian should be literate and should know the addition and subtraction very well for the calculation of the stocks of book.
  • There should be formulas in the system that can be used by the librarian for working out budget calculations.
  • There should be use of paper and pencils extensively and there should be vast amount of paper and pencils.
  • Provide skillful employ for error free library system


  • The librarian should be literate and should know the addition and subtraction very well for the calculation of the stocks of book.
  • There should be formulas in the system that can be used by the librarian for working out budget calculations.


At the moment the current system is a manually based one, which is prone to error. The whole procedure of borrowing is also a manually based one. There are three types of files stored in the filing cabinets. Hence, this system is very much time consuming. All the expenditure is recorded on a sheet.  And used by the librarian whenever a new order is placed. It is prone to being misread and would be better of under a computer-based spreadsheet. This system lends books to only the member of Balin City Library. The books of this library are mainly bought form Oxford University Press, Urdu bazaar press, Paramount books, the head office of this library and liberty books.    



All the functions preformed by the librarian are listed below :

  • Enquire borrower by name or number
  • Issue books and other resources for the member
  • Accept books and other resources back into the library
  • Be able to make reservations
  • Modify any of the members detail
  • Add more members or delete the old ones or those who have left.
  • Access the members master file if  the book not returned on time

Specific administrative tasks include:

  • Statistics regarding overdue books and other recourses
  • financial information regarding the library
  • ordering of new book
  • books taken out for repair
  • help with stocktaking
  • print out reservations
  • labelling of new books


  • statistics regarding readers borrowing habit
  • A notice-board system for disseminating library information.


When a person wants to become the member of Balin City Library he has to pay an amount of Rs.1000 to become the member. And Rs.500 every year. This person is asked to fill in his master file called as Member’s Master File. In this the member’s details are written (written ahead). When the member writes his home address the librarian doses the verification. This is done, when the member provides the librarian with two envelopes in which his name, address is written.

        The librarian than makes the reader card for him. In which the member’s name, telephone number is written. The members ID# is not written for security.

THE FILES: There are three types of files in Balin City which are stored in the filing cabinet.

MEMBER MASTER FILE: Contains the detail of the member. The ID number of the member, name, telephone number and address, date of registration, borrower’s status are written. This file is used when the member over due the date of borrowing. The member is firstly telephoned at his destination, if the telephone number has changed then the library assistants of the blain library go to his place if he has changed his place then the member is black listed and this is written in the member’s status. Borrow the book.

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THE BOOK MASTER FILE: Contains the details of the book. The author’s name, publisher’s name, edition, source, series, the call number (tells in which category the book is located), the ISBN number (international standard book number), the cost of each book and the total cost of the entire book, date of the arrival of the book is written, date of purchase, accession date are written.. When the new books are bought under the demand of the member the stock file is updated.

SUPPLIER FILE: Contains the ...

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