The Arrow of Time and the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Can time run backwards as well as forwards?

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The Arrow of Time and the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

Can time run backwards as well as forwards? First of all time doesn’t run anywhere so we have to visualise time using the systems that run in it, like dropping an egg. If time were to run backward the events would not be able to happen and then “un-happen” and return to its original state, so the egg that we just dropped and smashed would return to an un-broken egg. In real life talking about the direction of time can seem quite obvious because as just mentioned, an egg can not reassemble itself, as like water, it can not flow back up a hill. We know by experience that these events are impossible in our reality, which is why we perceive time with a direction. We will naturally be able to tell if a movie is running backward or not because we know from experience. But if the flow of time is just perception, then maybe it is just a figment of our imaginations.

The second law of thermodynamics has something to say about the arrow of time, as it is responsible for our perception of an apparent flow of time and its direction for the very reasons above. But the arrow of time indicated by thermodynamics is the increase of entropy (dS/dt ≥ 0); the entropy of an isolated system will never decrease. The entropy is related to the disorder in a system, for example an egg can be thought of as ordered and low in entropy but a smashed egg is disorder and high in entropy.  

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This is not time symmetric, meaning that this law of entropy is not the same if you were to go backward in time and so it would be impossible within this law. If you add milk to coffee you will see it spread out across the coffee; this process will end with an increase in entropy. The reverse of this process would be the milk un-spreading and therefore the entropy decreasing, which violates the second law of thermodynamics. So the inverse of processes that occur in life and that are described above are not allowed, as they would cause a ...

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