Beyond Pythagoras

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Beyond Pythagoras

Introduction: -

This investigation is to get me to find out about Pythagorean Triple. I know some of these and I will try and find a pattern. This investigation is also trying to find a formula for Pythagorean Triple. I will generate my formula by using examples and I will justify by examples.

Searching for Pythagorean Triple: -

This is an example to show you that two specific whole numbers squared will add up to get another specific number that when you square root it you will get a square number which is a whole number. These numbers are unique.

Example: - Numbers 3,4 and

Left Hand Side = 3 + 4

                    = 9+16

                    = 25

Right Hand Side= 5

                     = 25

Left Hand Side = Right Hand Side

Now I am going to justify this with more examples.

A) Numbers 5,12 and 13

Left Hand Side = 5 + 12

                    = 25 + 144

                    = 169

Right Hand Side = 13

                       = 169

Left Hand Side =Right Hand Side

B) Numbers 7,24 and 25

Left Hand Side = 7 + 24

                    = 49 + 576

                    = 625

Right Hand Side = 25

                       = 625

Left Hand Side = Right Hand Side

The numbers (3,4,5), (5,12,13) and (7,24,25) can be set out in a formula.

(Smallest number)  + (middle number)  = (largest number)





To find the perimeter of this right – angled triangle I am have to know the smallest side, the middle side and the largest number.

Smallest number + middle number + largest number = Perimeter

Example: -

Perimeter = 3 + 4 + 5 = 12 units

To find the area of the right – angled triangle I need to know the height and the length of the triangle. These on the triangles are the smallest number and the middle number.

Example: - Numbers 3,4 and 5

Area = 0.5 or ½ * 3 * 4 = 6 units.

To make things easier you can change the sides to numbers instead of saying that one side is the smallest side or the largest side. This is good because you don’t have to look anywhere else.

Example: -








Having made things easy to understand on the right –angled triangles I will now calculate the perimeters and areas of the numbers 5,12,13 and 7,24 and 25.

Perimeter of 5,12 and 13




Perimeter = smallest number + middle number + largest number

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Perimeter = 5 + 12 + 13

5 + 12 + 13 = 30 units.

Area of 5,12 and 13




Area = 0.5 or ½ * height * length

Area = ½ * 5 * 12

½ * 5 * 12 = 30 units

The perimeter of the numbers 5,12 and 13 is 30 units.

The area of the numbers 5.12 and 13 is 30 units.

Numbers 7, 24 and 25

Perimeter of 7,24 and 25




Perimeter = smallest ...

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