Emma’s Dilemma

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Maths GCSE Coursework.

Emma’s Dilemma

Emma is playing with the arrangements of the letters of her name.  The standard arrangement is ‘EMMA,’ another arrangement is ‘MEAM,’ and a different arrangement is ‘EAMM.’

  1. Investigate the number of different arrangements of the letters of EMMA’s name.

Emma has a friend called LUCY

  1. Investigate the number of different arrangements of the letters of LUCY’s name.

Choose some different names

  1. Investigate the number of different arrangements of the letters of the names you have chosen.

A number of X’s and Y’s  in a row such as : XXX……..XXYY……..YYY

  1. Investigate the number of different arrangements of the letters.

Shown below is the full list of the combinations of her name:













As you can see there are 12 combinations of Emma’s name.  This process of writing all of the combinations out is very slow and very tedious; therefore it would be a lot better if we had a formula to work out the number of combinations.  This would prove especially useful if you had a name like Bartholomew, which would take you ages to work out the number of combinations.

To calculate the formula I will begin by working out the number of different arrangements of Emma’s friend’s name, Lucy, which has no repeating letters, which makes things more difficult.

LUCY                LUYC                LYUC                LYCU                 LCUY                LCYU

YULC                YCUL                YLCU                YUCL                YCLU                YLUC

CLUY                CLYU                CYLU                CYUL                CUYL                CULY

UCLY                UCYL                UYLC                UYCL                ULYC                ULCY

As you can see there are 24 combinations.  From now on in my investigation I will be using combinations of letters, which are not necessarily names, as it is easier and saves time.

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AB                BA

Letters: AB, 2 Letters.

Combinations = 2

Letters: ABC, 3 letters.

ABC                ACB                BCA                BAC                CAB                CBA

Combinations = 6.

Letters: ABCDE, 5 letters.

ABCDE                ABCED                ABECD                ABEDC                ABDCE                ABDEC

ACBDE                ACBED                ACDEB                ACDBE                ACEDB                ACEBD

ADCBE                ADCEB                ADBCE                ADBEC                ADECB                ADEBC

AECBD                AECDB                AEBDC                AEBCD                AEDBC                AEDCB

As you can see there are 24 combinations with A as the first letter, therefore as there are 5 letters, 24*5 gives 120 combinations.

Here are the results, which I know so far:

As you can see there is a connection between the number of letters, and the number of combinations.  This is that the number of combinations is equal to the number of ...

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