Emma’s Dilemma

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Thomas Collyer 10Lr                MATHS

27/04/07                EMMA’S DILEMMA

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To investigate the patterns caused by the permutations of letters in words of different lengths and to investigate the possibility of predicting the number of permutations. To discover a formula that can be applied to all words.

Question 1.

12 different permutations can be made by the name EMMA:

  1. EMMA
  2. EMAM
  3. EAMM
  4. MMEA
  5. MMAE
  6. MEMA
  7. MEAM
  8. MAEM
  9. MAME
  10. AMEM
  11. AMME
  12. AEMM

Question 2.

24 different permutations can be made by the name LUCY:

  1. LUCY
  2. LUYC
  3. LYUC
  4. LYCU
  5. LCYU
  6. LCUY
  7. CULY
  8. CUYL
  9. CYUL
  10. CYLU
  11. CLUY
  12. CLYU
  13. UYCL
  14. UYLC
  15. ULYC
  16. ULCY
  17. UCYL
  18. UCLY
  19. YLCU
  20. YLUC
  21. YULC
  22. YUCL
  23. YCUL
  24. YCLU

This is double the amount of permutations made by EMMA

Question 3


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4) Looking at mathematics behind answers

The word Lucy has 4 letters l,u,c and y. If we know how many letters (no repeats) are in a word we can work out the number or permutations by multiplying 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 and so on until we reach the correct number of digits in a word (e.g. a 10 letter word would be 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 x 6 x 7 x 8 x 9 x 10). The mathematical symbol for this ...

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