Emma's Dilemma.

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Emma’s Dilemma Coursework

Aim:        To investigate the number of different arrangements of the letters in the name Emma and several other names I have chosen and find a formula for the names with different amounts of letters. I will also investigate the number of different arrangements of the letters X and Y and find a formula for the words with different amounts of X’s and Y’s.

Prediction:        I think that the more letters in the name the more arrangements of that name there will be. I also think that there will be more arrangements of Lucy than of Emma because all the letters in Lucy are different whilst two letters in the name Emma are the same.

Method:   To work out the number of different arrangement of names I will write down the first letter of the name, then systematically work out all the arrangement of the name that begin with that letter by using the branching method. The branching method looks like this

                Y        C                        LUYC

        U        C        Y                        LUCY        

L                 U        Y                        LCUY

C        Y        U                        LUYC

                U        C                        LYUC

Y        C        U                        LYCU


As you can see there is six different arrangement of the name Lucy that begin with L. If I was only looking for the number of arrangements of the name Lucy I could the multiply the number of arrangements that begin with L by how many letters there are in the name (this only works if all the letters in the name are different) or I could work out all the other arrangements by using the branching method on all the other letters in the name.


Firstly I am going to investigate names with different number of letters.

        I will investigate these names;        Jo




After I have investigated these names I will have enough information to predict how many arrangements of a six-letter name there will be.


J          o                        Jo                The name Jo only has two

                                                 different arrangements.

O          j                        Oj


        a        m                Sam                 

S        m        a                Sma                

        s        m                Asm

A        m        s                Ams

        s        a                Msa                The name Sam has six different 

M        a        s                Mas                arrangements


                Y        C                LUYC                

        U        C        Y                LUCY        

L                 U        Y                LCUY

C        Y        U                LUYC

                U        C                LYUC

Y        C        U                LYCU


                Y        C                ULYC

        L        C        Y                ULCY

U                L        Y                UCLY

C        Y        L                UCYL

                C        L                UYCL

        Y        L        C                UYLC


                Y        U                CLYU

        L        U        Y                CLUY        

C                 L        Y                CULY

U        Y        L                CUYL

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                U        L                CYUL

Y        L        U                CYLU


                L        C                YULC                The name Lucy twenty-four 

        U        C        L                YUCL                different arrangements.

Y                 U        L                YCUL

C        L        U                YCLU

                U        C                YLUC

L        C        U                YLCU



                M        A                EMMA

        M        A        M                EMAM

E        A        M        M                EAMM


                M        A                MEMA        M has more arrangements than E 

        E        A        M                MEAM        or A because the name Emma has 

M                E        M                MAEM        two M’s in.

 A        M        E                MAME

                E        A                MMEA

        M        A        E                MMAE

                E        M                AMEM        The name Emma has         twelve 

        M        M        E                AMME        different arrangements.

A        E        M        M                AEMM

From these results I can construct a table.

The number of arrangements = (number of arrangements for the name with ...

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